Oct 25, 2010 10:26
updates for this moment in time:
-i still haven't gotten a name for mr martin <3
-i think my lecturer is cute
-getting way better with my kiddies at work than my first year; all that heart, soul and being a kickin'bag is paying off
-3 weeks and im done with exams and will be work full time in the water for about 6weeks
-i have a crazily fantastic housemate, very kind (but spoilt) and different from the common china crowd
-post has not been sending my letters not parcels, why??
-my tutee was comtemplating running from home and being an emo kid and all, and after a talk, she broke down and told me she missed her mum and wants to go outside to give her mummy a hug.
-i feel like doing a crazy hairstyle
either im always very impressed, or just not impressed at all, not even a bit.
impressed>admire>aspiration; mmmm not too bad afterall :p
so... had a chat with sister, a pretty long one and everything is good, getting better in fact. maybe not excellent but i believe that Daddy has great plans for our family and gradually transforming us just as He covers us with His unmerited favour and mercies. and just a few days ago i dreamt of the special friendship/love-hate relationship/brotherly love relationship between brother and i and i really didn't want to wake up. yeahh, what can i say, i love my family, i really do. i don't wanna show in fear of exposing weaknesses. but what the hell, this is family im talking about (: i thought to myself once, if i had to take a bullet of either my brother or sister, would i (regret)? after giving it thought for a long while, i still ended up with no! (: and then i realised when i say family, i don't and couldn't give that to just anyone. that im glad im selective about. still think of baby cousin, w, occasionally, wondering where he might be now. there's this vid about a japan class where a girl who understood what deaths were from what happened to her late dad in her youth. though she tried really hard to fit in with the other kids in class, being jovial about any/everything, she wasn't able to see was that she had the upperhand, she matured, learnt and understood what most kids her age wouldn't. she was able to appreciate her mother and daddy more, regard them as family in good times and bad. she was able to cherish her family. for that, she struggled trying to fit in with the happy innocent bunch and that punctured her fragile lil heart. not that it's good to know about deaths at her age, rather, it's that it's not a bad/shameful thing. it just warms my heart when i look at the trueness and sincereness of children. they can't lie, they don't plot, they face people with genuineness, and the best things is to be able to explore such little things and feel warm and fuzzy about.. for now that is. very satisfying journey ahead.