Springtime for Sulu

May 02, 2010 20:46

I always enjoyed springtime on Earth. Seems like everything comes back to life. Plants, animals, people-everything changes when Nature flips the switch. In space, it's a little different. It really only happens in the botany lab, which simulates seasonal cycles for the plants, and Nature (AKA Mr. Sulu) actually does flip a switch. I have to stagger the cycles so the pollen doesn't become unbearable, so there's usually always something blooming. Well, this morning I was more excited than usual to see the first blooms starting to open on the thumos plants we picked up on Panas-X a while back! They look like they're going to be beautiful-and SOOO colorful! I can barely wait to see them in full bloom-I'm just ecstatic! I think I'll go for a run to burn off this extra energy. Ah, spring!!!

thumos plant, omg my plants!, botany, spring

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