May 31, 2007 11:42
OK. Six Apart apologized. They say they are going to reinstate journals that weren't really child-abusers.
Now the uproar & wank is "But...but...that apology isn't good enough! I want them to go back in time to fix things!"
It was good enough for me. They acknowledged that they did things the wrong way. They acknowledged that they fucked up. They are going to attempt to repair the damage.
I think censorshiop sucks.
I also think they were well within their rights as a private corporation to do what they did. That doesn't mean I have to like it.
Yes, I could leave. "OMG! I'm going to Greatest Journal because they aren't EVIL like LJ is!"
But I won't.
I like it here.
I have friends here.
I also have a permanent account.
I've been happy with LiveJournal over-all. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not even going to bother setting up a GreatestJournal 'just in case.'
What I will do is continue to do backups of my journal because everything I write is a pearl of wisdom, yo.
And in a week this will be mostly forgotten and life will go on until the next wank happens.
This didn't affect my journal personally, but it caused a lot of my friends undo worry. That pisses me off. But there are repercussions for LJ. SixApart will lose money over this. Some people will leave. Some people will go to unpaid level. I don't think it will have any major or lasting financial impact for SA, but I do think it will be enough for them to put some thought into it next time they want to do something like this again.
Our free speech is not protected here by law, but I hope this makes SA think again about censoring.
So, it happened. It was bad. They apologized. They will attempt to fix it. I will stay. But I won't be so trusting. But I also won't allow this to change the way I think or post in my journal.
The end. I'm done with this unless there is another major change.
Also, I currently have no plans to start that Hawt Goat-Fucking Action filter...for now
(and yes, that last line was just to give me an excuse to use my goat-fucking tag again, now that I have one!)