Corpses in Minnesota

May 09, 2007 22:39

The content of this post is mostly ripped off from Wickedgroovy:

The big news in the Mankato area is the celebrity plant at Gustavus Adolphus College just north of here where her hubby works. There is a gigantor plant called the Titan Arum - the Corpse Flower.

"The Corpse Flower is a rare flowering plant that is only found naturally in the tropical rainforests of Sumatra, Indonesia. The plant at Gustavus is believed to be the first of its kind to bloom in the state of Minnesota. With the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world, the Corpse Flower's name comes from the repulsive scent it omits during the hours after it blooms. The plant's cluster of flowers can grow to almost 10 feet tall, although the plant at Gustavus is expected to bloom slightly smaller."

Commonly called the Corpse Flower...because of the scent the giant flower puts out. Yummy! It is a big celebrity on campus right now. The Gustavus plant is named Perry.
There is a web cam:

Read about it on Wikipedia

corpse, weird

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