I will remember to leave at 3:30 today. I will!!!
Today's wildlife sighting: 3 (possibly 4) deer. And I got me some good pictures I think. I don't have my Compact Flash reader here at work though so I can't move the pics to my laptop. Silly Sharon!
Holy Cow did it rain last night!
hellbob mentioned something about building an arc but I reminded him that we live on top of a hill. We did not float away.
I caught up on Veronica Mars. I had to resort to tivoing the Sunday episode so that I can catch House also. When Logan does his puppy eye thing? *whimper* Of course he's way too damn young for me!!
I'm still behind on my Smallville watching. I just watched "Mercy" last night which was the Lionel/Martha episode and it was really good. The next one up has lots of Fine/Brainiac though I think!!!!!!!!
In theory I will also have some more flower pictures and some more bird pictures up in the gallery tonight. And, of course, deer!
I stopped at the bird pond again yesterday. Saw the green heron again. Also a Wood Duck, a Mallard, and I chased an egret around the pond. Maybe I'll try to actually stop there sometime when it's NOT raining so that I can just sit down and wait to see what comes. :)
Thank the gods this is a short day - only 8 hours - because I'm ready to leave NOW!!