Oct 22, 2008 08:53


Yeah, not really. Do you think I could type this sans fingers?

Well, I suppose I could use my nose... not my tongue though, I don't want to know how many gross fingers have touched this college keyboard. *shudder puke*

Got a Kimmi on my right and a Molleh on my left. Should probably be doing my english lang homework, but le meh. I also need to write a table of contents for my anthology....

Urrrrrgh and I bet everyone will give us homework on the last day as well...

Downloading D.Gray-man anime at the moment, but cannot access due to being about 20 miles away from my compy. Damn. Just left the torrent running in the end.  I really wanna watch it, I fear I may have an addiction developing.

Hm, tomorrow the college have given the option of coming in fancy dress (for halloween) and just paying a fine. Great fun. Might do it, just to get cam to die from embarresment.

Oh well, off to do that homework before my concience has a heart attack or pulls something.

Ja ne!

cold, homework, d.gray-man

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