G0d fucking damn it.

Mar 12, 2010 19:16



0kay, y0u see h0w I'm typing all my 0s as zer0s?

That is because t0day, while in the bath, I had an epic n0sebleed.

My lapt0p, playing music, sat 0n a chair 0n the 0ther side 0f the r00m. H0wever, I st00d up s0 quickly [pr0bably sh0uldn't have panicked s0 hard; I n0sebleed all the time. It's chr0nic. Als0, just n0ticed the bracket butt0n's br0ken t00] that water sl0shed everywhere, and s0me 0f it g0t my lapt0p. I didn't n0tice because I was trying t0 make sure I didn't bleed 0ut 0r faint.

Idk if the bubbles g0t under the keys and made it all s0apy 0r what, but n0w the 0 key c0mes up as "i", the eight and nine keys just give me err0r s0unds, thus rendering the 0pen bracket and asterisk useless t00.

S0, uh, n0 m0re Family Ties 0r any 0ther fics until I get this fixed.

Just a public service ann0uncement.

Edit: pressing the left arr0w key makes caps l0ck turn 0n. Pressing caps l0ck turns 0ff caps l0ck, but als0 pushes the typing line thingy left.

H0w the fuck they are 0n different sides 0f the keyb0ard I d0n't even

family ties, fuck, fml

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