"Again" by Yui.
For the love of god, I play that thing too often for it to be healthy. And I still love it. 208 plays later. >>;;
So yeah, I've been doing pretty crap in keeping up with this journal. But it's summer and not much has happened.
Got my results for AS levels; CCCD. Dropping Psychology, which I got the D in. Gonna work hard next year to push those Cs up to Bs. Maybe higher, if I can manage it.
Been doing lots of overtime, and if my paycheck isn't at least £200 this month I'll shoot the Head Office staff because damnit, I could have slept on all those days but no, I went and worked your bloody extra shifts that were only there because somebody broke up with their girlfriend and now refuses to work in the same store as her.
Nothing all that interesting on the anime front. Brotherhood is awesome, started on the stylistic and strange horror anime "Bakemonogatari", or "ghostory." Cute play on words, genre savvy characters, plenty of wonderful gore.
Going cosplay bowling today, with Nena. Cursing puberty because my school shirts no longer fit over my chest and I can't pull off the "I'm a dude" look right. Sigh.
Facility's getting pretty crowded. Never knew I was such an elitist until the funny thought wiggled into my mind; "pfft, n00bs." I mean, I was a n00b once too. I shouldn't be so mean about it. But, idk, it just seems kind of crowded now?
Nemo doesn't seem to want to talk to me, and apparently his family's going through some troubles, so I'm reluctant to call in case.... well, I don't know. I'm seriously crap at the comforting stuff. Really. I can cheer someone up, sure, but if it's something like grief I'm suck. I hate that feeling, so helpless. I want to make them feel better, but I'm totally out of my depth and think I'm doing it wrong.
Back to college on the 14th. Kind of dreading it. It's funny, I never struggled with academic stuff before this. Never studied for a test before in my life. I tried my best before the AS exams, but I just wasn't up to standard. Is this my limit?
Kind of pissed that something went wrong with my coursework for Eng Lit. I got an A in one part, and a U in another. What the heck is with that? I don't understand, what went wrong? I'm pretty sure that's the one the teacher said we should do two essays for, but then asked us to hand in our best work. Was that wrong? Entirely possible. And if it is, I'm going to kill her. Slowly. With some rusty metal implement.
Hetalia's eating me alive, such a wonderful fandom, even if it is as slashy as hell. I'm learning so much it's crazy. That's right, Hetalia teaches you shit. Yeah. Because apparently my education in terms of history and geography was so severely lacking you have no fucking idea. Bolsheviks what are those I don't even. All I learned about the war was that it was us, the Brits, against the EVIL NAZIS OMG and sometimes the French. Who the heck knew what side they were on, seriously. ¬¬;; Never mind that I NEVER KNEW ABOUT THE FUCKING AMERICAN REVOLUTION WHAT THE HELL. I know it's not our proudest moment but COME THE FUCK ON, ENGLISH TEACHING SYSTEM. Ancient history wise, all I got from that was that the Romans were awesome and then they vanished. For no reason.
Yep. Don't get me started on the Greeks. My education on that part came from disney's Hercules. Egypt was on the part of the Discovery History channel, which was surprisingly a lot more in-depth and educational than... my education. Whut.
I'm probably going to have to cut all this, since this is getting really, really long and I'm not even done.
Continuing along the line of my crap history class, I didn't know about the American involvement in the 1st World war full stop. Or the second world war, for that matter. I assumed Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima etc was a part of their business, nothing to do with our little European war. I apparently missed the fact it was called the WORLD war for a reason.
The Americans had a civil war. Who knew? Not me! The French and the Spanish had one too! Who knew? NOT. ME.
Goddamn, I feel so ignorant.
Japan did WHAT to China?! And pretty much the rest of Asia?!? Sino-Japanese war WHAT?! I had wondered why they hated each other like we hate the French! *facedesk so hard core*
I could continue on forever about how I never knew Prussia even existed (I'm sorry, Gilbert!! Please don't invade my vital regions! D8) or the Holy Roman Empire for that matter, or that Austria and Hungary are countries, not states of Germany. (P-please don't hit me with the frying pan, Elizabet, please. O____O) BUT I WON'T. Because I have to go mow the lawn.