Title: Monster Mash 8
Characters: Francis, Arthur, Alfred, Ludwig, Feliciano and a surprise!
Rating: 12
Warnings: Am I evil? I think I'm a little bit evil. But yeah, not much in this one to warn over.
Summary: Originally
inspired by this. (Link to pic for those who don't have Pixiv
here.) Due to popular demand, what was a
oneshot has now
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Comments 41
That is basically me reading this.
Man up Alfred. A little cold will do you some good. Now just imagine if the fate of the world rested on whether you would pay Alfred for his services in McDonald's... that's a pretty big ultimatum right there.
Sorry guys, it's not a hunter or Interpol. It's just Matt. You did well to see through his invisible ninja skillz but now the real battle begins. 8|
AND YES ARTHUR PLEASE EXPLAIN. How many more secrets do you have, HM?
He grew up in Texas man he doesn't get cold weather like England does. When in doubt, bribe him with burgers. The only thing that couldn't get you out of is being murdered by him.
"Just Matt" awww, poor thing. H-he can be cool too you guys. Guys?
Well there was that one hunter I slept with...
If Gilbert ever did manage to drag this boy to hell, there would be a fight between Greed and Wrath over his soul.
Don't forget Gluttony!
OMG MATTTTTTT!!!!! 8DDDD YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. *so intelligent* Oh damn, is he a vamp too? Ahaha, oh Arthur. Can't wait to see where this goes. I'm amused that at first I was like "this chapter is kinda boring..." and right when I think that, you suddenly throw a huge twist in there. xD
Ahh, good point! Three way battle!
MAAAAAAAAAATT~ Indeed he is. If you go back to the chapter with Arthur's diaries, you'll find this is less of a surprise. I like to give people sudden plot twists, mwahahah.
But I guess I have to wait for the next chapter. *sniff*
Hopefully it will come soon.^^
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