Jul 07, 2009 14:16
I can't possibly have forgotten what it was like to have it raining so hard already, can I? Sigh.
Nena's next to me, watching FMA (the first anime, not the second, apparently she's prioritising that way, and plus she doesn't like reading manga online. Blah.) It's kind of weird, since it's up to the exact same point as in the new anime.
So yeah, in other news, getting really quite miffed with how slow Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is downloading, as it's something I haven't watched yet. Suzumiya Haruhi no yuuutsu is doing fine, which is good because Fluff wants to watch it. Mainly because she borrowed my first two volumes of the manga of it. >> Without telling me jack might I add.
I think the weathers making stuff weird, but everyone's in a really bad mood today. I'v been trying to cheer people up as much as I can but I myself am in the mood to do something drastic.
Like kill Jenny Alexander.
I might do it, one day, really, or at the very least I'm going to hit her or something. She could see that Nena wasn't in the mood to work, she was upset, curled up in her chair, but what does she do? Comes over and bugs us. I wanted to punch her in the face so badly. Aparrently I have a weird expression I get when I'm surpressing these urges.
Moving on.
New TRC was kinda cute, huggable in fact. I just wish they'd advance the plot already ><;;; I can't be the only one thinking like that. But no, now they've gone to Paris. PARIS. OF ALL PLACES. *twitch*