Christmas meme!

Dec 18, 2010 22:58

1. What is your favorite Christmas carol/song?
Silent Night. Idk it's just really pretty if a choir sings it.

2.White lights or multicolored?


3. Do you have a cut tree, live tree or an artificial tree?
Artificial. We used to get cut ones, but they shed all over the place so now we just have the artificial one.

4. Eggnog, mulled cider, or hot chocolate?
Hot chocolate!

5. Do you decorate your house with lights?
Not the outside, no. We don't have any decorations on the outside apart from the wreath on our front door.

6. Do you write a Christmas letter?
You mean like to Father Christmas? Not really...

7. Do you like receiving Christmas letters/photos?
I don't really mind either way.

8. What is your favorite Christmas story/movie?
Oh gosh um. Definitely A Christmas Carol, no matter what version. The Muppets one is awesome.

9. Have you ever made a gingerbread house?
Made one last year! Not this year though.

10. Poinsettias or holly?
I have no idea what the first one is and can't be bothered to wiki it so... holly!

11. Do you display a nativity scene?
Yup! There's one that's old as I am that my parents got not long after I was born. It's all knitted and there are adorable little sheep and bbJesus, though one of the shepherds went missing when we moved house 5 years ago. 8[

12. Do you bake Christmas cookies?
Um... no?

13. Ham or turkey?

14. In what languages can you wish someone a Merry Christmas (without cheating)?
Joyeux Noël (French), Feliz Navidad (Spanish), メリークリスマス (Japanese, though this one is kind of cheating), and Merry Christmas (English) So four!

15. Do you know all the words to Jingle Bells?
Yup. 6 years of choir...

16. Do you put presents under the tree?
There are people who don't?

17. How do you eat a candy cane?
Starting from the bottom and over a period of days. XD

18. What is your biggest holiday pet peeve?
Prices going up. The bastards.

19. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
Stockings! And my family has a special one; if the present you bought still has the price tag on it when the person unwraps it, you have to wear the price tag on your face for the rest of the day. XD

20. What was (were) the best present(s) you ever got for Christmas?
iPod. Definitely the iPod I got last year. /strokes it tenderly

meme, awesome, christmas

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