I was going to go to sleep but then everyone was doing memes and I like bandwagons so.

Dec 13, 2010 00:47


1) Make an entry with the filled out form
2) Have your f-list describe in the comments how they pronounce your username, what they originally thought it said/meant


hell-za-beth [hɛlzəbəθ]

I was kind of going through a "dark" phase (that only lasted a couple of months) and needed a new username for LJ because my old one was cluttered and... old. The whole reason I got a new one was so I could see the locked post on the Hetalia comm... go figure...

Language: English /~/ Hell (as in the place of eternal damnation) and -zabeth (the second half of my full name, Elizabeth.)

Original Post: @ memeseveriwhere

bored, tired, meme

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