Christmas wish list and other notes to self.

Nov 29, 2010 23:30

Man idk what I really want... Hmmm


New keyboard. I'd like for someone to either give me the money for, or buy, a new keyboard for my laptop. Not a plug in one, but actually somehow fixing my keyboard. Though the casing's falling apart too... maybe I should get a new laptop... gah... Either way a new keyboard is quite expensive since I'd have to order it in from America, and it costs nearly £120 for that, so if anyone were kind enough to do such a thing I'd majorly appreciate it.

The usual Kokeshi doll, of course, since I've got one every year since I started learning Japanese <3

Hmmm there was a DVD I wanted earlier but I can't remember what it was... fairly certain it was a main stream movie that I liked...

How frustrating.

Bah, I'll remember it later.

iTunes gift cards are always nice.

Another External Hard-drive since my old one's full >_>;;

Headphones, small but nice ones since my old ones are falling apart and the sound keeps going in the left one

Drawing materials...? idk

A better microphone for recording stuff with >>;; There's only so much quality noice-remove can fix.

... And everyone else can just give me money or something.

Man, I remember when I was little I used to have a list a mile long, now I can't even think of anything else. That, as they say, is that, I suppose, at least until I remember that damn movie I wanted.

Need to get England's paid account renewed before he bitches me out about being stuck on girl-only icons forever (since that's all they left him with lol). Also, consider looking in to apping bb!England elsewhere at some point because it's fun and I miss writing stuff like Vincere. But only after exams.

Snow scheduled for tomorrow, here's hoping. By which I mean the rest of the country has already had snow (Scotland's completely buried) and I feel cheated. Just because the valley I live in has it's own climate due to the South Downs...

My room keeps heating up too much so I have to open the windows for the -3 air to come in, but then it gets to cold and I close them. Rinse and repeat. First world problems.

bored, dere, real life, rambling, rp, christmas

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