W-what the hell is this place?!
[She stares around blankly for a while before deciding to walk around to investigate.]
This... isn't my mansion. No way, no way, I've definitely got better taste than this. Right?
[She pauses and seems startled.]
I.. I wasn't kidnapped, right?! I know I'm awesome and everything, but... Is anyone there?! Hellooo?! God
Read more... )
If only it were as cool as my mansion. I wouldn't mind so much.
...I would even live in the Nightray mansion at this point.
Yes, Master Oz.
...The house will have events and some of them are dangerous... [stares at you] Ah sorry young lady, some can be rather dangerous.
[may notice a very British accent.] Oh and you can die, but you will come back to life.
U-uh, right.. But what are they exactly? Events? So stuff happens here, that's all I'm getting out of this.
...Come back to life?... well, countries don't die so easily to begin with! Don't worry about me! I'm Meriken.
[Looks rather tired, hearing that you are a country adds to that] ...another one? How many of you bloody are there? ...Meriken? Never heard of that nation.
[another proud smile. there's always too many of these.]
Oh, that's just what I'm called. I represent the United States of America! Heard of that one? [and that was intended as rhetorical because who hasn't heard of her country!]
[just staring at you, from Victorian England here...]
Yes, that's the land that gave us so much trouble...Nothing too big with the problems we have been having.
[Was never one to pay much mind to those problems]
I... just wanted my freedom.
I could really careless...sorry. I have other more important problem than dealing with "rebels".
[Doesn't mean any harm...just been slightly annoyed lately.]
I mean you have it, we aren't bothering you...or I'm not I'm busy with Pandora.
[she stares at him for a minute.]
Whatever, thanks for telling me about the events. You don't have to care... that's what I'm here for! I'll take care of everything.
[looks a little confused...then more tired.]
...you are like him... [Doomed!!]
...You seem tired! [takes her this long to notice]
Do I? [Shrugs, he is used to it never being noticed] That could be a combination of things, mind you I am well...Ah right, my name is Gilbert. [Gave up using Raven a while ago.]
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