yup that's right. i'm all moved in and it looks alright; moving was stressful but i guess that's a given. i talked to some people last night and hopefully they will come and visit like they say. tried to find my classes today and well....confusing. but i'm going to go and walk it again tomorrow.
i've had quite a bit on my mind these days , so sleeping is almost impossible. and if i do get some sleep i wake up a lot. i'm hopeing that it's just new school jitters
RANDOM: if any of you are into the whole dream meaning thing talk to me. it's rather dumb but i need to know if i'm doomed or just weird
and Dave this part is for you, but let me explain to others. a while back i was having nightmares and asked if anyone knew how to get rid of them. well Dave told me to get a stuffed animal and then sent me this cute picture of him and a pirate bear. CUTE! lol so i did. i went out and ordered a little stuffed panda. I named him Frank, after my grandpa, cause well my grandpa was all cute and cuddly like a panda yet he could kill you. lol and as i promised Dave here is a picture of lil Frank.