Enter (Charles Xavier/ Erik Lensherr; NC-17)

May 06, 2012 22:37

Title: Enter
Pairing: Charles/Erik
Word Count: 1595
Summary: More than anything, Erik just likes to be in control.

Erik likes to be in control.

He likes to be the one who calls the shots, because he’s never had that privilege before. Not as a child. Not growing up. Not ever, really. And more than anything, that’s what he was looking for.


And Charles understands that. He’s analyzed it, processed it, and surveyed it just like he does with everything else. Charles knows exactly what Erik wants. He wants to the be one that gives him it. He wants to be the one that can bless Erik with something that no one else can.

“Keep still,” Erik says, slowly. He pins Charles’ hands above his head and stares straight into his snowflake-blue eyes. With his knees, he pushes Charles’ legs apart and settles between them.

He never breaks his gaze, Charles doesn’t. With total trust and calmness he follows Erik’s pupils as they trace ghostly over his body. Spread out on rust-red sheets, Charles’ breathing is upbeat and anxious. His fingers twitch under the grip of Erik. He licks his lips in anticipation and wishes with all he has that Erik would hurry up.

“I can hear you, you know.”

Erik’s voice is monotone, but almost teasing. He retracts his hand only for a second to tap his temple. And it’s true. Even with them, their thoughts aren’t safe. Leaves no room for secrets, and that’s a good thing, they like to think.

With almost a smirk, Erik leans in; he kisses featherlike down the curve of Charles’ jaw line and stops on his lips. Patiently, Erik works Charles’ mouth open, slides his tongue against his, and invades his mouth. He wrings a moan out of Charles and his lips crack into a smile.

Erik pulls back, but pushes up and into Charles a little - cock on cock, and watches Charles’ bottom lips drop a little. He sucks in air sharply, and now his eyes are practically begging.

Erik, please.

“Patience,” is all he answers with. He pushes down on Charles’ hands as to say ‘Don’t move’ before he settles them on Charles’s hips. Wet and sloppy, he kisses down the center of Charles’ chest, to his abs, and a little lower.

Under the hold of his fingers, Erik can feel Charles’ muscles tightening; flexing, as he tongues up the base of his cock and all the way to the tip. His mouth forms a circle and drops down on Charles’ cock, taking him in as far as he could go, flicking his tongue a few times. Charles’ head shoots back, moaning, and pressing his hands flat above his head.

Oh, God, Erik. Erik, I-

Erik’s hands are strong and even-pressured while he stokes Charles almost frantically. With his other hand he keeps Charles in place, and his mouth occupied with his own. His lips smother Charles’; biting, licking and kissing hungrily. He eats up moans and whimpers and other desperate sounds from Charles and they’re like energy and motivation.

He pulls back, huffing and he watches as Charles lifts his head, pining and chasing after Erik’s mouth. Like a quick gift, Erik leans back in, presses his lips against Charles’ for a moment before pulling back again, smirking.

Erik sits back, runs his hands down Charles’ sides, over his hips and onto his thighs. He traces the circumference of Charles’ thighs and halts on the underside of them. He lifts his legs to his chest and watches Charles’ bright, sky-blue eyes go big. But a second later they calm and almost smile at Erik.

“Hands,” Erik warns as they begin to slide closer to his ears rather than over Charles’ head where he was positive he left them.

Pushing his legs back , Erik settles on his stomach, still holding Charles’ legs against his abs. He’s huffing, more eager than anything. Erik can hear Charles’ mind racing. But he was speaking too fast, words overlapping.

Erik’s tongue was hot and vibrating against Charles’ hole. Twirling and jousting, rotating and talented. It sent shocks of pleasure up and down Charles’ body and straight to his cock. Charles bucked, hips rocking. Panting and open-mouthed he balls his hands into fists. He moans slowly, biting his lower lip and pushes down onto Erik’s tongue.

He’s licking faster, going deeper than Charles thought he could, and hitting places Charles didn’t know he had. His legs shake, body on edge and wanting. And how Charles is breathing so fast he might hyperventilate.

Sitting up, Erik crawls to Charles’ ear and whispers to him, “Breathe, Charles.”

Automatically, Charles breathes out and then in evenly. Erik only smirks subtly.

Setting up on his knees, Erik moves beside Charles. With one hand he reclaims possession of his hands and with the other, he slides one finger into Charles. He watches his reaction. How is eyes fall shut, how his breath comes sharply, how his mouth drops open. He groans, purely pleasure-filled, and it’s like music to Erik.

Slowly, at a painfully teasing pace, Erik slides deeper and pulls out. With a slightly curved finger and pressure Erik studies how Charles’ panting is broken and airy. His stomach rising and falling unevenly and quickly, outlining muscles and showcasing how close Charles was to screaming.

Steadily and hastily, Erik picks up pace. Hot friction and wetness add to the sensation of Erik’s finger. He’s pushing in faster, faster, faster until Charles is left open-mouthed and soundless. Charles’ eyes are squeezed shut, clawing at the bed sheets and rolling his hips onto Erik’s finger.

More, please. Erik. God, Erik, faster. More.

Erik pulls out and Charles huffs at the abrupt emptiness. He huffing, finding strength to open his eyes. A second later he feels Erik’s tongue sliding over his ear, kissing his cheek and mumbling, “Say it.”


Erik brushes over his lips, back to his cheek, and then kisses his forehead. “Say you want me. Say you want it.”

Charles licks his lips, following Erik’s mouth with his eyes.

“Say it.”

Erik grips his cock again, and jerks him off rhythmically. He kisses his neck, biting a little harder than he should and doesn’t stop until Charles is hissing and bucking up into Erik. He sucks at Charles’ bottom lip softly while his hands go to work.

“Say it, Charles.”

I want you. I want you, Erik. I want you, I want you, I want you.

Erik shakes his head, but kisses his cheek again. “Out loud,” he instructs, promptly. “I want to hear you.”

Charles swallows, not even sure if his voice is with him after all of what’s happened, and clears his throat. He opens his mouth, looks Erik right in the eyes and says softly, “I want you, Erik.”

Another kiss was all Charles was rewarded with. Erik sits back on his knees and holds his hand out for Charles to take. He pulls Charles toward him and guides him until he’s standing right in front of him. Erik pulls him down and onto his lap. Slickly, Erik slides into Charles’ ass. His face strains a little, breathing out slowly to even the initial sting.

Erik takes Charles by the hips and guides both of them, rocking Charles in his lap.

“Mmmm,” Charles moans, and his head falls into the crevasse just between Erik’s neck and shoulder. His breath is hot and quick against Erik’s skin. He throws his arms around Erik’s neck, draped over him and leaving himself vulnerable.

Guiding and confident, Erik pushes up into Charles; watching his hair bounce limply against his forehead. Erik kisses his cheek, nibbles at his ear.

Charles sits up straight, catches Erik’s gaze and doesn’t look away. His eyes are piercing and sexy while he pushes his hips forward to take Erik deeper and deeper. Charles bounces damn near professionally on Erik’s lap, riding him faster and faster.

And now it’s Erik’s turn. His head drops and he groans Charles’ name, pulling him closer and breathing him in.

Erik lets his hand fall onto Charles’ cock, jerking in time with his strokes, and Charles falls forward again. The sounds Charles are making are high-pitched moans that’re intertwined with words like, “please, yes, faster, please.”

Picking up speed Erik strikes into Charles harder and harder, faster and faster until it feels like they’re both vibrating and weightless.

Erik’s mouth drops, groaning as heat formed in his belly and guided him to orgasm. He curled inward, gripping the back of Charles’ hair and mumbling words of pleasure.

Not even giving himself a chance to calm, Erik jerks faster, almost frantically at Charles’ cock until he releases. Warm come creeps between Erik’s fingers as he begins to slow in strokes and gives both he and Charles a chance to come down off their high.

Wrapping one hand around his back, Erik lays Charles down on his back . He pulls out, but lays on top of him, carding through his hair. Their lips meet almost tenderly, Erik’s hand cupping his face.

They lay there for a while. Still, Erik slid his fingers through Charles’ hair. They speak with their eyes, confess things they aren’t just yet ready to speak - or think.

It’s quiet until Erik says, “So what now?”

Charles licks his lips. “What do you mean?”

With a little shrug, Erik says, “Tomorrow. Later. Us. What do we do?”

A shrug accompanied with a small pout, Charles answers, “I don’t know, save the word, I guess.”

And they both laugh.

Erik lays his head on Charles’ chest, keeps count of his heartbeat for a moment before he answers, “Good idea, Xavier.”

pwp, charles xavier, x-men:first class, nc-17, erik lensherr

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