bored bored bored

Feb 23, 2008 15:19

I'm bored, angsty, and sick. . . . therefore:

01. Do you like your name? Sometimes
02. Have you ever wished to be your opposite sex? Not really.
03. If you were to have children, what would you name them? Boys: Adair,  Landon, basically anything Gaelic/Celtic/English, Girls: Ryan, Avery, Nadia. 
04. Do you even like kids? Most of the time.  I like kids that I know, and my own kids someday.
05. What time do you usually go to sleep on a weekday? On a weekend? Weekday usually around 11-12, weekend 12-1.
06. What's your favorite word? it varies
07. Have you ever tYpED lYk dIs at some point in your life? No no no.
08. What's your dream career? Broadway.
09. If you could be any other race, what would you be? I have no idea
10. What are you listening to right now? "Ray" is on tv, so it's on in the background.
11. Grab any book by you, turn to page 69 and type out the last full sentence here: "I do not know. You might call it far perhaps. But what does that matter?" Treebeard in LOTR: The Two Towers
12. Do you like country music? Rap? I can tolerate them if I absolutely have to, but I don't listen to them if I don't have to
13. How would you like to die? Fulfilled and loved.
14. Do you like taking pictures (not necessarily of yourself)? Yes.
15. Do you use ":]" a lot? Not really. I do implement the faces on IM a lot though.
16. Are your neighbors annoying? They're my aunt and uncle, whom I like, so no.
17. Ice cream or popsicles? Ice cream.
18. What was the last thing you drank? Water. So exciting.
19. The last time you left your house? Where did you go? Since I was technically not in the house, I guess when I went outside to shovel the sidewalk, around an hour ago. Other than that, I went to Noah's last night.
20. Are you loving life? Most of the time. I've been a little angsty at times lately, though.
21. Do you like the way you write? Once I get into the groove of things, I do. But if I'm trying, no.
22. What's your favorite animal? Lions and  wolves.
23. How many times have you used the restroom today? Only once, I think.
24. Are you hungry right now? No.
25. Turn on your TV (unless it's already on). Ray (the movie).
26. Do you like video games? I get obsessive about them, so yes, especially Zelda.
27. What's your favorite Pokemon? I don't know, I never really got into them.
28. What was the last thing you watched on YouTube? Either Buhlud or Charlie Bit My Finger - Again!
29. Are you cool with bugs? Yep, as long as they're not biting me.
30. Do you like Halloween? I love it.
31. What do you want for your birthday/Christmas? Money.
32. Have you ever fasted? No. I like food too much. 
33. What's going on tomorrow? Nothing as of right now, I'm sure there will be something going on though.
34. Are you doing well in school? Yes.
35. Do you have online friends? Nope.
36. Do you think you're popular? I think that people like me, generally.
37. How much money's in your wallet? $6.
38. When was the last time you laughed really hard? Last night when the sassy old lady on Everwood said "Apparently, I have emotions"
39. What's on the cover of your science binder? Since I'm no longer a PT major, I don't need a science binder anymore.
40. Do you believe there's such thing as an non-racist person? Yes.
41. Do you pass on chain letters? No, I hate them.
42. What do you do for fun at home? Watch movies, read.
43. Can you wiggle your ears? I don't think so.
44. Why did the chicken cross the road? He do what he want. 
45. Do you like your voice? When I'm angry and use my alto voice, yes.
46. Are you good at receiving/giving compliments? I think so.
47. Have you ever won a contest? Yep.
48. What are you using for your messenger avatar/icon? Something music related, I think.
49. Can you imitate something/someone well? I think I'm pretty good at imitating people.
50. What's your favorite amusement park? As long as they have good roller coasters, I love them all.
51. Do you have any REAL autographs (not the cheap ones on posters!) of famous people? No.
52. Do you cry easily? Yes.  Very easily.
53. What's something you do at home that you don't do in public? Go braless!!! Woo hoo!!!
54. What do you think about boyfriends/girlfriends? I think it would be nice to have one.
55. What's something you regret doing as a child? I had a great childhood, on my part. I don't regret anything.
56. Have you ever met a gay person? Yes.
57. Where do you think wind comes from? Air flowing from high pressure to low pressure.
58. Do you like sour cream? Not at all. Gross.
59. What color are your fingernails? Nail colored.
60. Do you like animal crackers? Yep..
61. Can you do a split? No, but my pants could if I tried..
62. What do you smell like? Infusium shampoo and Garnier conditioner. Nice combination.
63. Have you ever done anything stupid at a drive-thru? Not that I can remember.
64. Do you like to use song lyrics that relate to you? Yes, but usually it's when I'm feeling crappy and they make me cry.
65. Do you have a problem with odd numbers? No, but I prefer even-numbered things.
66. What's something you're proud of? I'm doing what I want to do with my life.
67. Do you think you'd be a cool teacher? I think I'd be a great high school teacher or college professor. Not so much for elementary school.
68. What are your pet peeves? Hypocrites.
69. Do you know what the number 69 represents? Yes.
70. How do you pronounce "caramel"? Car-mell. I know it's not right.
71. If you could be any animal in the world, what would you like to be? A dog with a good owner.
72. Are you the jealous type? Yes.
73. Do you keep a journal/diary? No, I've tried to, especially during my parent's divorce, but I never got into it.
74. Have you ever used Xanga? I used to, but haven't in a long time.
75. Do you have a made-up language/alphabet? Yopesop! Opoptopalopkop!!! Hopahopahopa. . . . .
76. What fingers do you use to type? All ten.
77. Is there something you need to have/to do to be able to sleep? I sleep better when it's really dark, but it doesn't have to be in order for me to get to sleep.
78. What day is it tomorrow? Sunday.
79. What time is it now? 4:21.
80. Do you believe humans evolved from monkeys? Yes, or some kind of animal very similar to monkeys.
81. What's your favorite board game? Huggermugger.
82. Who is the last person you hung out with? Noah, Jess, and Jillian.
83. Last person that you texted? Noah, I think.
84. You were in a car with? Ummm. . . . Kayla, Corey, and Noah.
85. Went to the movies with? I think Noah and Corey, when we went to see Juno.
86. Went to the mall with? Hmm. . . I don't remember, I don't go there very often.
87. Person you talked on the phone with? My mama.
88. Person you called? I called Noah yesterday to see how the roads in Bloomsburg were.
89. You messaged on myspace? I don't have a myspace.
90. You spent the night with? Kayla! I had to stay in Bloomsburg last week because of the weather, and she put up with me for two nights :)
91. You talked to? My mom.
92. You kissed? Yeah, about that. . . .
93. You miss? Jen, and some other people.
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