How do I post on this thing again?

Oct 28, 2009 00:14

I has been tagged by fliptomybside. Yup.

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."

1) I do not like to be scared. Startled, okay. Creeped out by a movie, fine. But I do not like to be made to feel actual fear. Hence why I'm not a big fan of horror movies, because I do like the thought of, say, being afraid to fall asleep (thank you very much, Nightmare on Elm Street). It's also why I stayed away from Saw, because, hello, mindfuck much?

2) The only reason I drag my feet on considering living in California is because ferrets are illegal to own in that state. Ferrets make the best pets and I couldn't fathom life without at least one.

3) I have read The Scarlet Letter about a half dozen times for school and still enjoy it. However I never read it of my own volition.

4) I tend to pop my jaw when I'm stressed or nervous. The only reason I can do it is because part of my jaw is damaged, and by popping it I'm making it worse. If I do it too often HURTS and sometimes my jaw gets stuck.

5) I am an absolutely terrible sleeper. I'm a total night person so I stay up as late as I can, but then I pay for it when I have to get up early. Too many early mornings in a row and I'll start taking huge naps in the afternoon/evening, which only make it harder to get to sleep later. Self-made narcolepsy. I has it.

6) I have a very strong love for LOLspeak. Even weirder because my English studies don't make me cringe AT ALL when I see it (unless it's taken to the extreme, then I get pissy because I shouldn't have to struggle to figure it out).

7) In a matter of several years I have gone from being the most tomboyish chick to the girliest girl. I have SO MUCH makeup and nail polish and beauty products and I regularly flail with tastyeyeliner about cute frilly (yes, frilly) dresses and awesome shoes. I like to think I'm still a tough cookie but DAMN does this cookie have shiny sprinkles.

Tagging frankenroc, bomberman61, tastyeyeliner, berrylicious, wendy, ainael_1984, and 1trilliongrams.

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