Working on my Xmas cards now. If you hadn't given me your address yet but want a card from me, go to
this post and leave it for me (comments are screened there, so no worries). As long as I get it before...tomorrow midday, you should be okay. =D
Got Folie a Deux this afternoon. Now I can shut up about it. No Golden Ticket for me. =P
Friggin' cold today, with more friggin' cold tomorrow and a chance for icy crap in the morning. I am staying indoors with coffee and a warm laptop until it warms up, and then I'll (hopefully) finish my Christmas shopping.
Last episode of Heroes this year tonight (or last chapter of this volume, whatever), as well as the final episode of My Own Worst Enemy. So glad to be getting my Monday nights back. =P
In case you haven't seen it yet,
Broccoli Cat! Still not as awesome as
Ninja Cat, though.
Using the snowing icon because it is THAT COLD and THAT GREY outside that if I lived anywhere but in Texas, it would mean snow. Las Vegas is even getting snow today.