Nov 03, 2004 15:50
I know some of you people are depressed that your Socialist leader had the wind taken out of his sails quite early into the race, and even more so that in the end his boat didn't even come within sight of the finish line...and to most of you I must say....You thought he had a chance???!!! The man who flip flops more than than an old man's wang in the gym shower room? Who would put little to no effort in trying to gain the votes of one group, and a few sweet and short days later lose that group by changing his views and beliefs in order to please yet another group. What was it that drew you to him? It couldn't have been the possibility that the man who (thanks to his wife) is worth countless millions cared for the poor and middle class, because he doesn't. It couldn't be the right to gay marriage because just weeks ago he changed his view and AGREES with W. apparently. So gay marriage wasn't going to happen after all apparently (and judging by local voting across the nation, even if Bush wasn't in office, the public seems enough against it that it might not happen even if Richard Freakin Simmons was elected). Stem cell research....see above. Defecit due to war in Iraq? Oh we'd be spending tons less on the war, but would have a lot more troops being sent over, but I guess having them share guns and helmets will somehow decrease the number of Coalition casualties? For supposedly being such a horrid president, he certainly had no problem securing more than 50% of the POPULAR vote as well as the electoral this time. Even your precious Clinton never broke out of the 40 percentiles. And maybe that is what makes you so sad now, so filled with sour grapes, is that you no longer have the weak platform of "He didn't win the popular vote though! DURRR!"
If he's so bad for the nation, and so supposedly hated, why is it he had such a sharp increase in support and voters over the past 4 years? Because truth be told, the Democrats and the liberals haven't had a leg to stand on this election other than celebs telling all the young voters "Bush bad, Kerry good" and other scare tactics of things created by Democrats but pinned on the Republicans (ie:the proposed re-institution of the draft introduced and signed by TWO count um two D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-S. Fortunately it's been doing nothing but collecting dust for the past 2 years or so, but the democrats can go ahead and say it will certainly happen and all because of Bush as long as a few more young tards will believe it because Michael Moore says it's so and thus gain a few more democratic voters. Bush has his bad qualities, but EVERY President in the history of ever does, and thus far, I am still yet to be presented with a decent argument on what makes Bush so bad that ISN'T just some liberal media rumor that can easily be disproven or overwhelmingly out done by examples of Kerry. Face it, today's democrats can not grow up and mature. I'll give Kerry that much, he FINALLY bowed out gracefully, but his supporters and voters sure set a bad example. When Dole lost was there a month long complaint of "Oh well this state's ballots must have been confusing, so I demand a hand recount or the Republican party will sue!" The Democrats couldn't even act grown up enough to let us have our own National Convention in peace. Some protestors HAD to break in and try and put a stop to it. So you can have your convention, but we can't? How fuckin old is your party now? 5? All you people had was Bush was Bush, and he wasn't a Democrat and he wasn't your precious little poster boy Al Gore.
And the whole damn Democratic public is a huge flip flopping mass. "Oh you didn't prevent 9/11 when you had heard that someon MIGHT have the means to pull that attack!! Boo and hiss!!" However, at the same time "Oh, you did have VALID information that Saddam might have weapons of mass destruction and you took action against any possibilities (cuz it's not like he was breaking UN regulation anyway morons ::rolls eyes::) you awful awful man! Boo and hiss!!" Did you fuckers just say "To hell with logic, as long as it's an excuse to complain." Sure Saddam didn't have the GIANT stock piles that we were told (by Iraqi insiders no less) he had, but he had the machines, the blueprints, and more than enough of the materials do successfully pull such off (BTW saying that we did find the supplies to make WMDS and then later saying we didn't find WMD stockpiles does not equal flip flopper...again, logic). And though Saddam wasn't tied to the 9/11 attacks (which we never said he was) he had afterwards been contacted by Osama and AL-Queda. SO you're saying it's ok to plan to make the shit and use it, only when you've actually done so is it wrong. Though I'm sure had we waited, and HAD something happened, you'd all be bitching and moaning that we didn't do anything.
You think Kerry would've stopped the illegal immigrant probs? Pfft...fuck no. The Democrats LOVE letting people be taken care of by the government, they're all about that "The more kids you pop out, the more we'll pay for your house even though you never finished junior high."
And though I have a lot more to say, I'm getting tired right now so I'll head to the superficial part of this whole retarded mess. Not only do you base a person's intelligence and ability to govern on their public speaking, but apparently a presidential candidate should focus on the big public how much botox is just enough to make them look sorta young again.
If you think protesting will actually change something, think again. Until you get 90% of the US's population into all of the cities streets, nothing is going to change because of protesting. And if you're that upset over something you don't know shit about, and really do wanna move to Canada...please please PLEASE go so that we have one less retarded wasting good ballots and maybe one day the democrats well be a decent party again and have a decent leader chosen by the very few intelligent and mature democrats left that I know.