Aug 15, 2004 21:05
the dave smith called me up to tell me that dan got a collapsed lung in Mexico City, ned has switched to drinking straight ethanol, mia went to Japan again, and that next week he is going to see the Queers, Stiff Little Fingers, and Leftover Crack. on three successive nights. can i just say, what a jerk. i know exes (exs? ex's?) are supposed to make each other jealous, it's part of the job description or something, but THOSE THREE BANDS? ON THREE SUCCESSIVE NIGHTS?
he's off living in some utopian paradise where everyone loves the Circle Jerks. ok, we were total opposites, but at least we had the same terrible taste in music. i'm probably going to miss Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees AGAIN. i'm probably going to have to go see the Cramps ALONE.