Jun 14, 2005 20:35
So. I have a lot of news, and apparently I have SO many other things to do, that I don’t ever take time to write in my LJ. Today, however, I’ve chosen to write about my toad.
That’s right, I’ve gotten a new pet. He is an Egyptian Bouncing Toad, and so far, he has no name. In case you’re wondering, that brings our household up to two humans, two felines, and one amphibian.
He is meant to be a Lazy Toad. It is my theory that familiars are meant to take on the facets of your personality that you don’t want to be burdened with. The toad’s job is to lounge, bathe, enjoy his enclosure and be fed. In return, he is to collect all the laziness that I seem to build up during my life. That way, maybe I can actually get some of my ideas to become reality, or at least be responsible like a normal person. So far, he isn’t really holding up his end of the deal, and I’m a little worried, with school starting on June 20th. Maybe he’ll be a little more willing to help me out, once I give him a name.
Why no name? Well, in true Viking style, I’ve decided not to get attached to him, until he proves he can survive the harsh world that is my life. ("Harsh" may sound like a strong word here but think how a toad might cope with his lot in my life.) I acquired him (by coincidence rather than by design) on Cinco de Mayo. So, on August 5th (3 months) the toad gets a name. I think he needs something that smacks of power, decadence and perhaps a hint of arrogance. I was going to go with Caesar, but then someone said “Little Caesar” and that idea went out the window. I’m taking suggestions, and so far the leading names are:
Napoleon Bonapart
Henry VIII
Bubba Hotep
August 5th is a Friday, and I intend to have some sort of naming ceremony, although I really haven’t made up my mind what that will be. If you have ideas, let me know!