-- back this instant, you infernal howling beast!
[No, the Hellsing is not happy. At all. Seems
Murphy the cat has made off with Integra's ascot, which has her golden cross lapel pin still attached. And is refusing to come out of hiding. In addition, the clever little feline seems to be stockpiling things in his hidden nest, for he's been pilfering Lady Serenity's house and selecting items from her guests to add to his collection.
Integra jerks up the dreamberry from where she's slammed it to the desk and fumes. Without realizing it's on, she yells through the house, her voice carrying quite easily.]
If anyone finds that damnable creature, bring it to me immediately! It's high time it and I have a talk regarding the order of things!
[She snarls and tosses the dreamberry back on the counter, it switching off as it clatters across the shelf.]
[Approved by Jax - anyone in Serenity's mansion is welcome to have something small of theirs missing, thanks to Integra's naughty cat. No one will find him in his hiding place though; Murph's totally got the place scoped out. But they will get their stuff back soon, never fear. Have fun with it, dearies! ♥]