Lack of stamps be darned!
Name (real name if possible): Emma G
Nicknames: none, people always call me by my name
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Do you want to be rated as an anime character or a manga/OVA character?: Ultimately either, but I would most prefer a manga/OVA character
When members are voting, do you prefer to be rated as a male or a female character? (Choose one or both, if sex doesn't matter, please indicate): both, sex does not matter
Hobbies: internet stuff, reading, writing fiction, indulging my Hellsing obsession
Have any special talents?: I'm a good peacemaker, a referee.
What are your strengths?: Diplomacy, empathy, logic skills, abstract thinking
What are your weaknesses?: easily bored, get desperate for adrenaline, completely athletic
Have any bad habits we should know about?: obscure quoting - it can and will annoy the heck out of people
Use six positive adjectives to best describe yourself: friendly, helpful, enthusiastic, creative, quick, logical
Use six negative adjectives to best describe yourself:unattractive, easily tired, lazy, slow (physically), irresponsible , forgetful
Favorite Music Genre?: misc indie-rock
Favorite Hellsing character? Why?: I am fascinated by Alucard's general demeanor, his perspective. He acts as though he has an awareness, rather than beliefs, regarding the true nature of men and monsters. I've heard complaints that Hirano made Alucard too perfect, too powerful; but I heartily disagree. Alucard certainly has faults, plenty of them, what is unusual about his character is that he knows it. He plays with them, he indulges them. He is most importantly free from self-delusion; never rationalizing his actions or desires. He is, in short, exactly what he wants to be. That's a lot to think about.
Day person or Night person?: morning and evening (as opposed to the middle of the day or the afternoon or just before dawn)
Realist or Idealist?: a little of both
Impulsive or Controlled?: impulsive, by choice
Introvert or Extrovert?: extrovert
Master or Slave? (Leader or Follower, for you folks who're no fun! ;) ): I can go either way, depending on another person's personality (I am generally, however, very 'eager to please')
How do you react to a stressful situation?: romanticize it into something I can deal with
If your friends or comrades are in trouble, what do you do?: help as best I can
In your group of friends, who are you (the leader, the smart one, the comic relief, etc.)?: the peacemaker, the nerd, the encyclopedia
What kind of relationship do you have with your family?: I love my family, we spend a lot of time together.
Do you prefer to work with a group or on your own?: on my own
If you were a character in Hellsing, would you prefer to use guns or another weapon for defense? If other, what?: Guns, I don't think I have the discipline and patience to specialize in Walter's wires
What are your thoughts (short) on drinking blood?: Alucard wouldn't have to scold me, I wouldn't be resisting the desire to drink.
Are you religious? If so, how religious are you? If not, why aren't you?: I'm extremely religious, but I don't a have a religion atm. I'm fascinated by the concept of God and the nature of divinity, but no one has convinced me yet as to what that nature is.
How do you want to die?: I'd love to die like Pip did; dying as he believed he should live - leaving in a blaze of glory, going down swinging, cool and collected to the end, smiling in his final moments and knowing his death was worthwhile. To die poetically and meaningfully. Otherwise, I've always fancied myself getting hit my a comet one day, completely out of the blue.
If given the choice, which group would you find yourself a member of - Hellsing, Millennium, Iscariot? Why?: Hellsing, to become Alucard's fledgling, of course ^_^
Anything else we should know about you?:
I'd rather have a bottle in from of me that a frontal lobotomy.