Me is in Heaven now? =D

Jun 19, 2007 08:48

Name (real name if possible): Sirli
Nicknames: Särts (Vim?)
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Do you want to be rated as an anime character or a manga/OVA character?: Anime...
When members are voting, do you prefer to be rated as a male or a female character? (Choose one or both, if sex doesn't matter, please indicate): Doesn't matter.

Hobbies: Drawing, singing, listening to music, cinema.
Have any special talents?: Don't think so xD
What are your strengths?: I'm a good listener, I like to help others
What are your weaknesses?: Thinking negatively of myself... Probably being annoying as well.
Have any bad habits we should know about?: Nope.
Use six positive adjectives to best describe yourself: kind, caring, quiet, loyal, friendly, open-minded
Use six negative adjectives to best describe yourself: lazy, stubborn, impatient, self-critical, sometimes a bit pessimistic,
Favorite movie?: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Shining.
Favorite Music Genre?: Metal
Favorite Hellsing character? Why?: Alucard. He's a vampire =D Ok.... actually I don't even know why I like him so much xD

Day person or Night person?: More of a night person I'd say.
Realist or Idealist?: Realist
Impulsive or Controlled?: Controlled
Introvert or Extrovert?: Ummm... both xD Depends on the day xD
Master or Slave? (Leader or Follower, for you folks who're no fun! ;) ): Better Master xD Ok...more like Slave actually...

How do you react to a stressful situation?: I stay calm.
If your friends or comrades are in trouble, what do you do?: But of course help them.
In your group of friends, who are you (the leader, the smart one, the comic relief, etc.)?: Hee... the clown xD
What kind of relationship do you have with your family?: Hmmm...ok. Not better.
Do you prefer to work with a group or on your own?: Depends on the day xD
If you were a character in Hellsing, would you prefer to use guns or another weapon for defense? If other, what?: I like guns xD Bang bang xD
What are your thoughts (short) on drinking blood?: Ummmm... I'd prefer not to drink it xD
Are you religious? If so, how religious are you? If not, why aren't you?: I'm not religious... I'd rather not talk about why....
How do you want to die?: How doesn't matter, but when. I don't wanna get really old...
If given the choice, which group would you find yourself a member of - Hellsing, Millennium, Iscariot? Why?: Ooohhh... Hellsing. Alucard =D And as I'm not religious... Iscariot wouldn't do... Millenium... not really a group I'd like to be in...

Anything else we should know about you?: Nope, I think.

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