Insert witty reference involving the word HEAVEN here!

Mar 23, 2008 01:50

Name (real name if possible): Natalie Aletha Rene ~lastnamehere~
Nicknames: ML Rocket
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Do you want to be rated as an anime character or a manga/OVA character?: It doesn't matter.
When members are voting, do you prefer to be rated as a male or a female character? (Choose one or both, if sex doesn't matter, please indicate): It doesn't matter.

Hobbies: Collecting anime PVC figures, hoarding collecting pictures, horseback riding
Have any special talents?: I'm an excellent horseback rider. I also have a bizarre memorization ability- I can watch/listen to a song or bit of dialog from a movie/show/video on the internet just a few times and then remember it line-for-line even years later. This only happens with the above mentioned medias- never conversational dialogs.
What are your strengths?: Insightful, adaptable, punctual, empathetic, witty, cultured
What are your weaknesses?: Can have a short temper, impatient at times, and can be very manipulative. I also have a level of arrogance and I'm an elitist. Procastinator.
Have any bad habits we should know about?: ... I pick my nose and eat my boogers, I admit it. I crack my knuckles too.
Use six positive adjectives to best describe yourself: Colorful, empathetic, open, creative, witty, insightful
Use six negative adjectives to best describe yourself: Blunt, manipulative, irresponsible, short-tempered, paranoid, brooding
Favorite book?: Tie between "Les Miserables" by Victor Hugo and "A Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess
Favorite movie?: "The Shawshank Redemption" and "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"
Favorite Music Genre?: I listen to so much stuff... I'll say EBM and Punk Rock though.
Favorite Hellsing character? Why?: Seras. ... 'Cuz she's hot. NO I MEAN- she tries her hardest to stay pure and human in such horrid conditions, something I failed to do in my younger years during my very worst Bipolar phases and I'm trying to pull myself out of. And because there's something about a woman with a large cannon going from happy-naive-sweetheart to psychotic-i'm-going-rip-your-throat-out in twelve seconds that just makes me all riled up inside. XD

Day person or Night person?: Night most certainly.
Realist or Idealist?: Realist.
Impulsive or Controlled?: Impulsive. As a child, I was seriously shocked when people told me that they actually thought before they acted.
Introvert or Extrovert?: Extrovert
Master or Slave? (Leader or Follower, for you folks who're no fun! ;) ): I'm a "second in command" type. I don't take all the responsibilities of a leader, but I'm not a total sheep.

How do you react to a stressful situation?: I look for the best way out where I can get away from it to regroup and then attack the situation immediately.
If your friends or comrades are in trouble, what do you do?: Consult them as to what their troubles are and then give my advice. Do what I can to help out.
In your group of friends, who are you (the leader, the smart one, the comic relief, etc.)?: Depends what group. Sometimes it's "The Counselor", sometimes it's "The Broken One", sometimes it's "Drew's Little Sister" (My big brother)
What kind of relationship do you have with your family?: TIGHT. Seriously. I never fight with siblings- Hell, my brother and I are best friends. I can talk to my parents about anything and everything. I don't get people yelling and screaming with their parents about things. Ridiculous.
Do you prefer to work with a group or on your own?: On my own. I get the work done twice as fast by myself. Besides, in a group I end up doing it on my own anyways since I was always one of the "Smart Kids".
If you were a character in Hellsing, would you prefer to use guns or another weapon for defense? If other, what?: If I had the strength of Seras, I would want the Harkonnen definitely!
What are your thoughts (short) on drinking blood?: If it's what does it to it for you, why not? Just be safe- HIV IS BAD.
Are you religious? If so, how religious are you? If not, why aren't you?: Atheist. As said, I'm Bipolar and as a child I suffered very bad depression in addition to family financial/mental illness troubles. As a result I never really saw a reason to believe in God and whenever I've tried to I've never been able to get over a vague sense of abandonment by any diety.
How do you want to die?: In a hail of bullets. Actually, I have no idea. Really, as long as I don't suffocate or drown or am not in a ridiculous amount of pain, I'm good.
If given the choice, which group would you find yourself a member of - Hellsing, Millennium, Iscariot? Why?: Hellsing. Iscariot has too much of a religious base for me to take part. And heavens, I'm not a Nazi or a warmongerer, so Millennium! So that leaves Hellsing, doesn't it?

Anything else we should know about you?: Uh, as said above, I'm Bipolar? Yeah. I guess that's it.
Let us take a gander at you, or if not, a brief description, please:
Check out this "sexy" bod (That cat's name is Kabuki)

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