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Audio - message or call, your choice. makes_asteroids March 18 2011, 23:11:33 UTC
[During this conversation - 18.3.2011]

[Erik sounds pressed.]

Sir Hellsing, my dear - this is Michael Xavier. I have found out what your pet is.


Audio hellsing_heir March 19 2011, 03:46:51 UTC
[And she calls him back around six o'clock, the journal tucked away for work until she returned home.]

Misted Xavier?


Re: Audio makes_asteroids March 19 2011, 04:10:40 UTC
[Relieved! Answered before the first ring is up.]

Ah. My dear. There you are, I was worried.


Audio hellsing_heir March 19 2011, 04:17:58 UTC
[Not sure how she was feeling the whole dear thing but- he sounded worried. So that first.]

I was at work when you called, my apologies. [12 year old working? Yep, bills don't pay themselves after all.] You were calling about Nicolas?


Re: Audio makes_asteroids March 19 2011, 04:32:16 UTC
Ah. Work? Not school? [Old man is displeased with this place.]

Yes. I found out what he is. [He pauses and continues, gently but firmly.] Apparently he is a 'Heartless' and quite dangerous.


Audio hellsing_heir March 19 2011, 13:29:06 UTC
My studies are being held off for now. [Honestly she hadn't dealt with her usual tutors since... Well, after her father died. She assumes it was going to happen eventually, but then Siren's Port had came along.]

Heartless... [Wait, this is familiar-] I've heard that name before, from a conversation I had.

[She begins flipping though her NV journal to see who she talked to about such while she speaks with Xavier.]


Re: Audio makes_asteroids March 19 2011, 17:44:34 UTC
A shame. Someone as intelligent as you should be able to study.

You have? Where?


Audio hellsing_heir March 21 2011, 14:42:13 UTC
It happens. [Brushing it off for now, engrossed in this newfound discovery-]

Ah there! His name is Ansem. I asked him what the monsters he had around him were and he said they were Heartless.

He's one himself.


Re: Audio makes_asteroids March 21 2011, 17:07:48 UTC
Ah, that's interesting. Did he tell what the Heartless are?


Audio hellsing_heir March 22 2011, 15:13:07 UTC
No, it was not in our conversation.


Re: Audio makes_asteroids March 22 2011, 22:40:53 UTC
I see. When I couldn't reach you I contacted Walter Dornez.


Audio hellsing_heir March 24 2011, 19:27:25 UTC
And what did he say?


Re: Audio makes_asteroids March 24 2011, 21:06:41 UTC
I suspect he'll be showing up shortly.


Audio hellsing_heir March 24 2011, 21:20:07 UTC
[If it is that dangerous... Well, she isn't surprised.]

Understood, Mister Xavier. He probably wants to come get rid of it.


Re: Audio makes_asteroids March 24 2011, 21:22:29 UTC
Mostly likely, yes. I'm sorry about your pet though.


Audio hellsing_heir March 24 2011, 21:52:34 UTC
No, it's expected, considering that it is dangerous. I would do the same to anyone who was under my care.


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