May 07, 2006 00:16
Sooo. I shall be having pretty much every Thursday and Friday off during my Wal-Mart existence. Hence...I had the last couple days off. Usually I don't do a whole lot on my days off, but John's been bored and wanted to have an adventure. So we schemed various things which never seemed as exciting as they should have been. THEN...I remembered something. Edwin McCain was playing in Hartford on Thursday. Now, I've been listening to Edwin since I was about 13 but had never seen him live. I figured John wouldn't want to go, but he surprised me in his awesomeness once again and agreed to go on that little mini-adventure.
The concert was very cool :) Also very loud, though. I know concerts are "supposed" to be loud, but it seemed a little out of place for a guy who built his career primarily off of ballads. But anyway. He played a few songs that I've always really well as some I'd never heard (I only just ordered his most recent CD)...and told a characteristic Edwin story about one of his songs. So. It was a good experience :)
Then, yesterday we ventured off to Six Flags for some more excitement. The lines were pretty decent, such that we may have spent about as much time actually on the rides as we did in lines. Crazy. And I spilled my lemonade :( AND!! The monkey and tiger came with us. (If you don't know, don't ask.) :) :) We also got sunburned. :(
Not such a bad weekend-substitute if I do say so myself! So let's all give John a big ol' all-four-people-who-read-my-journal round of applause for being cool. Yay!
Let's also kick his butt for trying to read this entry over my shoulder.
The end!