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Nov 02, 2007 21:33

So i suppose what is with architecture is that this is the first time anyone's actualyl wanted to listen to me. And what you say something here people just don't go ok or nod or ignore even but they ask "how so" it happened yesterday and it was so startling. we're breeding thinkers, philosophers, designers and we're all here stuck in this bipolar temperatured glass box fighting to find the strength to belive in ourselves when really...why not? No one else can do it. We've chosen the future. Did you know that a litlte less than  50% of the pollution that comes from building costs and the emissions of builsings. and that if you add up the other two factors...transportation and mining of natural resources i believe...all of which feed into archtiecture directly...its about 70. How crazy is that. I never knew how much was involved but its so much more. Everyone has this mistaken identity about architecture thinking its all about Frank Lloyd Wright and mistake it for interior design. and no one has any idea. nor do they even care to because once they realize all thats invoved and how much youre responsible for...it can be overwhelming. If I forget to detail a floor slab with the appropiate rebar size and spacing and Ts...and it fails...I've just killed people. They actually do sue you, you know. They take us all down...architect, owner, engineer, contractor, builder, everyone. In a sense we all deserve it, but how far down do you think you actually control? It's almost funny, how much is encompassed, no wonder we're all arrogant. We control your fate. ha, it is funny, you just don;t know it. imagine, dear reader, that the roof above you where you're reading this were to fall and crush you right now. it's because i forgot a beam somewhere up there and that last bit of snow or rain or wind that impacted one more force...was too mcuh. now what? Man was driven by his basic need to find shelter and it has evolved into this complex matrix of people, technology, and materials all of which require intense intense coordination. its always someones fault in the end, and i suppose it may as well be ours. the easiest targets are the ones that started it. and i suppose that would be us. always an us, btw, never a me, we are a collective, an enormous communist regime that knows we cannot survive on our own. our livlihood lies with the populus greed or need for expansions - whichever itmay be. there are things we can do to make it better but no one wants to pay in the short run to make it possible. fund research for photvoltaic cells, add wind catchers and release the unused harnessed energy to the town to share. its astounding what small moves can make this world inhabitable for maybe a 100 more years. i think there's a reason they dont tell su all this until 3rd year, very  matrix like, weve chosen the red pill as of now and theres no turning back, i suppose its purple, if you drop now. but i dont see how when theres so much responsibility there, itd be like getting drafted and going into hiding so they chose your 16 year old brother to fight and die instead. im getting rather distracted from my work. i should get back to it. until next time.
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