is it any wonder i found peace through you?

May 12, 2007 12:56

so i had a follow-up with my retina eye specialist yesterday. it sucked cuz yesterday was my only day off and this specialist is 2 hours away so i had to get up at 5am to be able to leave on time. anyway...gah. i'm freaking out. apparently there is still swelling around the retina in my left eye AND there are abnormal blood vessels sprouting in my peripheral vision. so what does this mean? it means they have to do more surgery to get these abnormal blood vessels under control because if they start bleeding that means i lose my vision. but they can't do this surgery without making the swelling worse and risk my retina detaching. ok so this is the solution: stick a fucking needle in kari's eye and inject it with steroids to *hopefully* protect it from the surgery they do the following week to control the abnormal blood vessels. what. the. fuck. they are going to stick a goddamn needle in my fucking eye. i don't want it! i am by no means afraid of needles; i've been diabetic my whole life (25 goddamn long years) and i have 12 tattoos, needles only freak me out when someone tells me they are going to stick them in my eye. good god. oh and also i probably won't be able to see out of my left eye for a few days. wonderful! so of course i had to schedule this surgery after princess vanessa gets out of summer classes so i can actually have a couple of days off in a row. they didn't want to put it off but i am not going in to work not being able to see. fuck that. oh god i'm freaking out. i don't want a fucking needle stuck in my goddamn eye!

EDIT: x-posted to myspace
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