So, tonight I'm sposed to go see the new Friday the 13th movie to celebrate Gregarious's birfday... I'm thinkin there will need to be a liberal amount o' booziness before I can pull this off.
This is the last weekend I have to teach Fri Night / Sat for like, 6 weeks... then I have to figger out if I'm gonna do it through the summer or what.
I went out to get some stuff for lunch, and whilst I was paying for some stuff at Macy's the lady saw my other bags on the counter and asked, "Oh, did you get something for your wife at Blah blah blah store?" Before I could stop the mouf, it replied, boastfully "Oh yes!! The wife AND the girlfriend!!" It took her a second for it to register, which made it funnier. Ahhh mouf.
In other news Alec Baldwin will be on SNL this weekend. He's the damn mac.
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Whatareyou wanna those workout freaks?! Go F Yourself!
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Third Prize Is You're Fired
Then there is this gem... Brilliance!!!
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Donaghy, You Play The Matador!
Muzak: T.I. vs. Ben Folds feat. Regina Spektor =
B.F. Meets T.I.