Sep 20, 2008 11:58
you know how sometimes there are things that, as you grow older, you learn to like? For me it was asparagus. I disliked it as a kid, but I love it as an adult.
Somethings don't change. Like the idiots they hire to work at the Gap here at home. The people in North Bay were uber nice when I worked there, don't get me wrong, but here in Barrie it's another matter...
There I am, unhooking my bike a few nights ago. It's cold, it's dark, and wet on the ground. So these two girls from the Gap are standing under the eaves of the mall, one of them on her cellphone, calling someone (the way she was speaking to them, I can only hope that it wasn't a parent), demanding they come pick her up because "like, it's raining".
Allow me to clarify: when your shoes get wet, it means that it's wet. When you go outside and your blonde dye runs, that means it's raining. Rain falls DOWN from the sky.
Oh, and another thing, an s at the end of the word usually signifies a plural. This requires a pluralized verb to be considered good grammar. When you use a pluralized word and a singular noun, it's not considered good grammar. The sentence: "These car went really fast" is not a proper sentence.
Gah! I need to get things off my chest here more...