Meme Time

Apr 16, 2012 20:17

Seven Five Things Meme from shogunhb

"Comment to this post and I will list seven five things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself."

My responses are a bit delayed. I got distracted by theater stuff.

How to Occupy Yourself on a Lazy Sunday Afternoon
I don't have a lot of lazy Sunday afternoons. I work a Sunday-Thursday shift, so I'm in the lab till at least 3:30, generally later,as 7 is very early in the morning. However on my lazy Sundays afternoon I like to lounge around and read, while listening to music. Or going to see a movie and grabbing something to eat. Of course lazy Sundays are the days when I tend to put off eating the most which is an exceedingly bad habit.

Transformers Fanfic?
I read and write Transformers fanfiction. Yes you can tease me about it, but its my release. There is a lot I could say about writing fanfiction in general, but I've often found that its one of those things people tend to get or they don't. With fanfiction I get to imagine and answer the questions that most official cannon will never touch or the little things that most wouldn't deem important in the rush to get to the action. I get to explore and twist and expand on characters, getting to know them and in some way getting to know myself as well.
This is of course when my muses decide they want to stick around long enough.

What Novel/Short Story should absolutely be made into a movie? Right Now.
Right now? I'd have to go with Grimspace by Anne Aguirre. Sci-fi with a kick ass female lead. An evil corporation, a conspiracy, a daring escape, and real characters and development. Not to mention we've got the techniques to make it look good. Plus that there are 4 other books out in the series and at least one more to come.
Either that or the Kushiel's Legacy books, but those would be long movies.

The Oxford Comma.
Honestly I had to look this one up. I knew it as the Serial Comma. Either way it should be used sparingly, mostly in situations where the list involves an and in the middle, or has a group followed by single person names. If it introduces ambiguity leave it out!

Personal Space.
If I let you in my personal space it is a matter of trust, and I don't trust easily. Recently someone I didn't trust touched my hair. I was across the room in about a nanosecond and I nearly hit the person. As cuddly a person as I can be, if I don't trust you do not touch me.
It is also highly dependent on my mood. There are times I just can not deal with people near me. That's when you'll often find me curled up in a corner with a book, to better able to fend people off. Very often, if I am very quiet it means I am in a mood.

Not as complete and in depth as they could be but they are what I have at the moment.

philosophy, writer's block, meme

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