May 26, 2009 20:17 Tyrion Lannister. I guess that is Dream Casting, huh?
Who else would you pick?
Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie would be tough to beat.
Ben Kingsley
Christian Bale - Stannis
Daniel Craig - Robert
Denzel - Littlefinger
Eric Bana - Jon Snow
Shia LeBouf - Robb Stark
Jen Connelly - Danerys
Khal Drogo - the Rock
Can we dig up Lou Ferrigno as the Hound?
Pls give your choices for these and other characters...
"I am trying to finish the book by June. I think I can do that. If I do, A DANCE WITH DRAGONS will likely be published in September or October.
(Yes, I am aware that I have previously said that I hoped to finish by the end of 2008. And before that, I said that I hoped to finish by June 2008, before I went to Spain and Portugal. And before that, I said I hoped to finish by the end of 2007. I know, I know, I know. No, I was not lying. I was wrong. And wrong again. And wrong before that. This time I hope that I am right. But you know, I can't swear that in blood. I write one chapter at a time. One page at a time. One word at a time. And then the next.) "