So you'd like to join in the crazy fun of running NPCs and help build plot? Awesome! We need all the help we can get (professional or otherwise) and would love to hear your ideas. Please copy the application below, fill it out, and e-mail it to: mods.from.hell at gmail dot com. We will respond as soon as we can!
How Long have you been playing Hell's Gate:
What Characters do you Play in Hell's Gate:
Samples. Please make a sample post for all of the scenarios below. Each post should generally be at least 300 words in length:
1. Sample Monster Post:
2. Sample Guard Post:
Please describe a sub-plot you would like to run in the future if you become an NPC mod. Include possible unique NPCs, general scenario, expected ramifications, and at least two ways in which the sub-plot can be resolved. Whether or not you are accepted, this idea may be used by the mods in Hell's Gate: