James' Child (A Dream)

May 29, 2007 14:26

So I was sitting around a table with James and Jermiah and we were just talking and hanging out, like we do. But I was sad, something was bothering me, and Jermiah could tell, as all good boyfriends should. He looks at me and goes: "Baby, whats wrong?" I sigh and look at them both, after a long moment I say: "One of you is gonna be a Dad." Jermiah blinked several times. "But thats not possabile..." James was stareing at me wide eyed. Jermiah looked from me to him several times before he relised what was going on. He stood up and grabbed James by the frount of his shirt like he was about to kill him. Then I woke up and cried for a few minutes.

baby, jermiah, dream, james

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