The Winchesters

Oct 11, 2022 20:52

I gotta say that it's pretty nostalgic to see my timeline freak out over the Supernatural universe again.

I don't have a means to watch the show, but I have to admit that I find myself more curious than I thought I would be. And from the promo I've seen leading up to it (and the people behind it), I actually think there are a characters that I'd ( Read more... )


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hells_half_acre October 12 2022, 21:55:44 UTC

Thanks! I'll check those out.

I think even before SPN ended, the fandom had moved onto FB, twitter and tumblr and places like that. I was part of a community on discord for a bit too, but ultimately left when they were a little too negative for my tastes and when I found my interest in discussion waning with people's division in opinion over the final episodes.

Work is going okay for me! I finally have a job that pays well, which, as you may remember, was something I struggled with finding for over a decade. I've still been going back east in the summers to visit my mum. She's doing okay! Lately I've had the opportunity to travel a bit. So far, in the past 12 months, I've had the opportunity to go to a concert in LA, Las Vegas, go on a trip to the grand canyon, a business trip to Santa Cruz, and I just got back from St. Louis where I was able to see my nephew for the first time since 2019 - he goes to school there now. For the rest of the winter, I'm looking forward to my boring life of staying at home and not doing much! I've got a couple of home tidy/organization projects planned.


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