The Winchesters

Oct 11, 2022 20:52

I gotta say that it's pretty nostalgic to see my timeline freak out over the Supernatural universe again.

I don't have a means to watch the show, but I have to admit that I find myself more curious than I thought I would be. And from the promo I've seen leading up to it (and the people behind it), I actually think there are a characters that I'd ( Read more... )


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metallidean_grl October 12 2022, 05:37:03 UTC
I know in fandom that the reaction is mixed as to the premise of this show. I'm not sure yet what the overall opinion is of this episode yet. I liked it and don't want to spoil my squee so I think I'll just not go looking for reactions. I know of some fans that really didn't care for either John or Mary so they don't have a lot of excitement for the show. I hope they give it a chance. I can't wait to watch it again.

As for downloads, all the pirate sites I had bookmarked are something else now. I know Val still downloads episodes of shows so she can do her capping. I've asked her where she goes to get her downloads. hopefully she'll respond because I really want to download these episodes and have something on my computer, which I do have for all 327 episodes of SPN. If you get a chance you might want to try and see it.

Hope all is going well for you. We're finally having a Con back in Vancouver, and I won't be there. it will be strange to watch the vids from afar. Oh well. Creation literally priced me out of being able to afford to go. At least we can still see vids of the panels thanks to those individuals with apparently an endless pocketbook and can afford the thousands of dollars to go.


hells_half_acre October 12 2022, 06:24:19 UTC

Yeah, let me know what Val says, if she still has a source.

I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Definitely don't let anyone harsh your squee!! I think some people will always be turned off anything that is Supernatural related but not Supernatural, or they're less willing to give alternative-canon a shot, or whatever the show is doing - and that's fine. I have to admit that I'm not that interested in the main JohnxMary romance, but I AM interested in a Supernatural show being set-up as an ensemble show from the jump. SPN always flirted with ensemble in the later seasons, but could never pull it together - I guess because it wasn't originally set up that way, so possibly budgets and writing habits got in the way of diverting too much from the double-lead. Which was fine! But I always wondered what it would be like with a good ensemble.

I'm also interested in The Winchesters because I already know I like Robbie's approach to characters and writing, so I think he could do well with being given the reigns, and it seems Jensen agrees with me!

Anyway, no promises about how fast I'll get to it. I also probably won't be bringing back quite as much work as I used to do for SPN. No drunken recaps, timelines, clothing, rewatches etc. I think that era of my life has ended for now.

Nice that the SPN Con is coming back to Vancouver!! I think all my old Con friends have either been priced out, or can't travel to Canada any more for various reasons... so I don't think I'll be doing my thing this year of going to hang out in the lobby of the hotel and saying hello to people... I don't think I have anyone to say hello to!


metallidean_grl October 12 2022, 16:45:36 UTC
I heard back from Val. This is what she said. "Right now the reliable site is with as a good secondary choice."

Yea, there will always be the negative nellies out there that will trash the show no matter what. Must be a hard life to always be in a negative state. It's exhausting all that sturm and drang. I much prefer the opposite.

I've never been much of a fan with Mary, especially after she came back and the way she treated her boys. She kinda redeemed herself with me before she died again, but not completely. I'm interested in seeing John's story, but after the first episode, I am intrigued now with Mary's story and with Tom Welling being cast as Samuel Campbell, it is going to be interesting.

John and Mary are still the central focus, but the foursome is very much an ensemble. Time will tell if they keep the ensemble going, or if they move to make John and Mary more of a focus. And Robbie was also one of my favorites. He has put together some interesting characters. I look forward to learning more about them.

You'll get to it when you get to it. The SPN way of life has gone by the wayside for most people. It will be fun to see what is generated out of this show. Will LJ pick back up again? Or will it mostly be FB and Tumblr. I'm on a Winchesters FB page that is supposed to be purely positive comments so we'll see how that goes. Need to have someone to squee with, right? And since my LJ feed is very small I'll need some kind of outlet.

It's too bad about the Conventions. Sad to hear that all the friends you had have been priced out or not attending. :( I do want to get to Vancouver again soon. I miss the city, surprisingly. I still want to complete my Location hunting, so if I had a day in each area I could knock it all out. Of course, I would have to be super organized to do it. Probably not next year, I have a niece getting married which will take my vacation time, but maybe the following year. We'll see.

How's work going for you? How's the family? Been back to visit Mom? Anything exciting going on? It's the same old thing for me, although I did just recently return from a trip back East with my brother. We had a good time. My excitement for the year. Now its time to settle in for the winter. Joys.


hells_half_acre October 12 2022, 21:55:44 UTC

Thanks! I'll check those out.

I think even before SPN ended, the fandom had moved onto FB, twitter and tumblr and places like that. I was part of a community on discord for a bit too, but ultimately left when they were a little too negative for my tastes and when I found my interest in discussion waning with people's division in opinion over the final episodes.

Work is going okay for me! I finally have a job that pays well, which, as you may remember, was something I struggled with finding for over a decade. I've still been going back east in the summers to visit my mum. She's doing okay! Lately I've had the opportunity to travel a bit. So far, in the past 12 months, I've had the opportunity to go to a concert in LA, Las Vegas, go on a trip to the grand canyon, a business trip to Santa Cruz, and I just got back from St. Louis where I was able to see my nephew for the first time since 2019 - he goes to school there now. For the rest of the winter, I'm looking forward to my boring life of staying at home and not doing much! I've got a couple of home tidy/organization projects planned.


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