Rewatch S14: Moriah (14x20)

Jan 31, 2021 13:30

1 week late by tradition! But still January, so I'm counting it as a win.

I finally bring you the final episode of my S14 rewatch - a whole year after I initially intended to be finished.

The new goal will be to get the clothing catalog updated by the end of February... we'll see how well I do at that. Once the clothing catalog is updated, I'll ( Read more... )

rewatch s14

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Comments 8

borgmama1of5 February 1 2021, 00:51:53 UTC
A large part of me wishes it had ended here, where we could imagine them getting out of there alive--and yes, I know that's what 'Angel' did--but season 15 really messed me up. (And I will doubtless talk about that in my responses to your reviews of that season ( ... )


hells_half_acre February 1 2021, 01:26:42 UTC
Agreed agreed, and we'll inevitably go over it when I get to S15 rewatches.

But yeah, the drama between Dean and Cas (and Dean's mishandling of Jack) was very out of character to me. I think Jensen tried to make it work to the best of his ability, but there's only so much you can do with bad writing. We didn't need interfamily drama on top of the big bad.

I just had a rewrite idea that maybe I'll stick in S15 rewatches when I get to them - but basically you could do this whole thing over again with bringing Chuck in sooner, and making the conversation/events occur due to HIS ideas rather than Dean's.

Good point about Jack kneeling being reminiscent of Sam doing the same - and Dean's reaction FINALLY being consistent with his character... and again, the reason he's one of the heroes.

With very few exceptions, they've always done amazing casting on this show - and Rob Benedict is definitely a case where they cast for one specific type, but were able to take advantage of his full skill set years later.


borgmama1of5 February 1 2021, 01:33:10 UTC
Will be looking forward to your ideas for a rewrite--you have good ones!

BTW did you bother to watch Walker? I did a rewrite on the pilot because it bugged me LOL!


hells_half_acre February 1 2021, 01:46:10 UTC
Haha, no, I haven't seen it. I may in the future, we'll see. I don't have a TV and it's pandemic times, so yeah... watching current television is a challenge.

I'm also not much of a family-drama fan - though I wish Jared the best. I think I'm going to be bowing out of serialized TV for the foreseeable future.

Currently, I've fallen into the BTS rabbit-hole and they have a weekly 30-40 minute low-stakes reality show that is extremely entertaining, so that'll probably be my only weekly show for the next little bit.


kazluvsbooks February 1 2021, 01:48:49 UTC
"The amount of book shelves those boys backs have broken - they'd be paralyzed by now" SO TRUE!!!! hahaha!!

I loved this ep!!! It was such a good tie up to S14, and gave me huge hope for S15 (which was dashed as soon as we had the ghosts in bright sunlight dammit) the way everything went dark was so awesome.

Our actors always gave their everything, good or bad writing. Love that.


hells_half_acre February 1 2021, 03:47:31 UTC
Agreed agreed!

This finale was pretty good, manufactured family-drama aside.


galatera_grass February 1 2021, 14:27:26 UTC
Thanks for your review. I like them. I liked the ending and I will wait for your new notes on S15.


hells_half_acre February 1 2021, 17:41:15 UTC
Sorry it took me so long! I'm glad you liked it. :)


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