I didn't do rewatched last weekend, because I wanted a little bit of breathing space after the finale. I wanted to actulaly feel like the show was over. I got my timeline up on the SuperWiki and I ordered a new DVD player.
I was all set to do rewatches this weekend, but I was busy with work and experiencing my (extremely limited) social life yesterday, and then today I got smacked in the face with a case of "absolutely exhausted and can barely keep eyes open". I save the rewatch for after sunset, thinking that it made sense to do my TV watching at night... but I didn't realize how SUPER tired I was going to get, even though I slept in this morning.
Anyway, this is all to say that I'm going to aim for Thursday now.
I know I keep making excuses as to why S14 rewatches are literally taking me 1+ year(s), but I'm also just trying to be transparent. The last couple of years, I've been working part-time, but these days I'm working until 7pm each night and also for a little bit on Saturdays - and while it's infinitely better for my bank-account, finding time for my hobbies has been a challenge.
I'm hoping to do better if I can be disciplined enough to do rewatches on Thursdays, since I was able to set aside Thursdays when the show was airing to walk to my friends' place and devote 3+ hours to dinner, Supernatural and a Quick Reaction.
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