Hey, where'd I go?

Apr 29, 2020 18:40

So, apparently nearly a month ago, I was like - "with all this quarantine stuff and the inability for me to have a social life, SURELY, I will get more rewatches done and publish the S14 clothing catalog by April or May" ... but apparently just because I don't have to leave my apartment, doesn't mean that I can suddenly manage my time better.

In my defense, I was going to get back it this week - but work is crazy this week, so I don't think that's going to happen.

I should also mention that two weeks ago I was a special guest on the Supernartural podcast "The Plaidcast" talking about the S6 episode The French Mistake. It was a ton of fun! I suggest you look them up on Stitcher or iTunes. You can hear my voice! I sound vaguely Canadian. - LINK: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-plaidcast/e/68925185

Anyway, the next episode in the rewatch list is Lebanon, which is another part of my problem, because I actually want to have the time to do that episode justice, so I need a 4 hour window (when I'm not exhausted). At this point, I've learned not to make promises - but I at least wanted to let you all know that I'm alive and well. Canada, in general, is doing okay, all things considered (Would I prefer to be in Germany or New Zealand? - of course! No surprise there. That was actually the case prior to the pandemic, just because those two places are great in general.)

This weekend I want to get an online course done for one of my jobs that I currently can't actually DO, but once this whole thing blows over, I'll have this course done and that'll be good once I get back at it.

So, rewatches will resume sometime next week - is what I'm hoping.

I hope you all are well and managing to stay safe.

This entry was originally posted at https://hells-half-acre.dreamwidth.org/588004.html.

life, in the works

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