So, usual rules apply - let's just get right to it.
Oh, first - quick note: those of you who like my rewatches - I won't be doing one this weekend, because my mother is visiting. So, week off!
Now back to S12...
Hunting people, killing them - the family business! )
As for not killing the god, gods aren't that easy to kill, and I can imagine that he probably figured that if he tried to open the latch and get to the trapped god to try and kill him, that chances were big the thing would have escaped instead. Best to just leave it where it is and hope it starves.
What I'd wonder about is what the god would have done to Pete, once he no longer needed him, because Pete, unlike the family, didn't keep the god trapped somewhere that it would be impossible for it to get out. Chances are probably big that Moloch, Molek, whatever would have killed Pete, as soon as it was fed up enough and strong enough to do so.
I've also been thinking a bit more about last week's ep and how they had Mick kill his friend....
In the flashbacks we saw so far, both Henry, and Josey as possessed by Abaddon, were supposed to be initiated in the MOL together. What's the chance that the American Men of Letters, kept the 'kill someone to move on' bit until later on in their initiates education, and make sure to have two initiates at the same time, who then have to fight to the death, for which of the two gets to be a full member?
Yeah, we wondered about that too. We figured that probably the God was just biding his time until he was strong enough to rampage on his own.
I've also been thinking a bit more about last week's ep and how they had Mick kill his friend....
In the flashbacks we saw so far, both Henry, and Josey as possessed by Abaddon, were supposed to be initiated in the MOL together. What's the chance that the American Men of Letters, kept the 'kill someone to move on' bit until later on in their initiates education, and make sure to have two initiates at the same time, who then have to fight to the death, for which of the two gets to be a full member?
Whoa, that's disturbing to think about. Hopefully they didn't follow the british system at all... but if they did, Henry certainly didn't seem like the type of person who had already killed a friend... so you might not be too far off. Mind you, they invited Josie into the hall first, and there were a group of MoL there in robes, so it was definitely done in a different style, if it was done at all.
Sure, at first they feel like a wealthy family, they own the entire town, which they founded, they have money, they're successful, but when you take a closer look, what exactly do they own?
A small town, whose entire economy depends on a single factory, that isn't even a corporation, meaning the rents in town, probably aren't even that high, cause how else would people be able to afford them. In this day and age, that's barely considered a small business by republican standards.
The god probably despised that family for keeping it leashed as long as they did, and as soon as it's fed, and it has its revenge on the ruling Bishop, it'd probably have torn Pete to pieces, half for revenge, and half to keep the guy from locking it back up. And after that, it might have gone after the entire town, raze it to the ground...
Yeah, I hope the AMOL didn't follow British traditions either, but considering how willing (or not) the Brits seem to be towards tolerating 'rebellion'...
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