Season 9 Timeline is up!

May 25, 2014 19:27

Timeline is done! Stairway to Heaven (9x22) actually gave me a date! Yay! Thanks to that date, I could put specific dates on the last three episodes (arguably, the last four episodes)... and they actually bucked tradition and set the finale in June rather than May! Weird! Hopefully they don't mess it all up when they come back in S10. :P

I've only updated my LJ with the new timeline for now. The Supernatural Wiki is being really finicky at the moment, so I'll have to wait for a day when it's running smoothly to start updating the timeline there.

I've also updated the pre-series timeline with the newest Winchester-related information that we got in Season 9.


Season 9 (I put it in with S8, hopefully that's not too annoying.)


Ta da!

season 9, i'm a dork

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