We had a very good time watching this episode tonight :)
So, let's see what I remember!
When I first saw the jogger guy in the park and then that dude in the red shirt ran past him, I thought it was the classic "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you" thing...but nope! The dude in the red shirt WAS the bear!
I love Dean talking to Sam in the farmer's market and then sort of...coming to...and saying "Where the hell are we?" Hahaha... I also love Sam for shopping at farmers markets. This introduced fault #1 though: There was no way that apple was organic. A Red Delicious that's that shiny and large? Not possible. ;)
Anyway, it's off to a side-hunt, even though Sam just wants to focus on the Kevin/Hell's Gate thing so that he can retire... this is very S1, except replace Kevin with "Dad" and Hell's Gate with "The Thing That Killed Mom."
It involves a lot of driving.
I like Dean in the car saying how this is where he's supposed to be - driving in the car with Sam at his side, hunting monsters. And Sam is like "Or you know, you could do it alone" and Dean replied saying that it wasn't like he had another brother that he could talk to! Me and my friend were both like "ADAM! For the love of god, SOMEONE rescue Adam!"
Anyway, super health-nut freak was entertaining. I love the picture of Arnold on this wall, and him going on about how you can never have too much fiber and Sam basically saying "SEE DEAN! I TOLD YOU!" Heheheh.
Oh! I forgot about Jensen's dad! That was fun! It was funny that they had his character and Dean kind of square off against each other. You can definitely see Jensen in the eyes (or see Alan in Jensen's eyes), but it didn't take me as far out of the scene as when John and Joan Cusack try to play anything other than brother and sister. :P
Apparently Jensen's mother was somewhere in the background too? I don't know what she looks like, but I think it's adorable that he has his family in the show.
Crazy guy was good too. The eyes were freaky. I had to shake my head at Dean - yeah, Dean, just speaking louder isn't going to cut through the crazy better. :P
The gorging out of the eye thing was gross...sometimes I'm really glad that this is a non-HBO show and Supernatural does the "less is more" method of shooting horrible scenes.
The Indian doctor looked really familiar. Does anyone know what she's from? Maybe she just really reminds me of the girl from Bend It Like Beckham... unless she IS that girl. I don't think she is though.
So, Sammy was a football fan! Little tidbit we didn't know about our younger Winchester. Yeah, the more of this show I watch, the more I realize that Sam REALLY isn't the nerd of the family. Also, Brick Holmes is an awesome name.
Eleanor was cool. What's with Supernatural naming their older white ladies Eleanor and then putting them in mansions?
As soon as she fixated on Dean's question about the Occult and then ended the interview, I knew something was up... and hey, so did Dean.
Oh, I should say, that stripper girl...Randa? She was VERY striking, my goodness. (Fault #2: There is no way you could bite into a heart like that with human teeth...my friend knows from personal experience. [note: my friend has eaten cow heart. She is not a cannibal.])
I love the scene where they break into the mansion and go through the master bedroom closets... and Sam's childhood hero gets torn apart in front of him...awww. First he's not a natural blond, then it appears as though he sleeps with his mother.
But then when they find the secret room with all the awesome stuff, Sam is like "I KNEW he had a room like this!" Hahahaha, oh Sam... you were kind of a weird kid, weren't you. Also, Sam, not only were your love interests secret monsters, but your childhood heroes were too?!? Oh Sam...oh Sammy Sam. I think someone should check on Amelia... and possibly the dog.
So, yeah, um...I have a question...if Brick was a near 1000 year-old Mayan, how come he was a white guy? It can't be THAT hard to find a picture of a native central american dude, can it? My cousin is only 1/4 native south american and he looks more native than Brick. They could have even gotten a native Canadian dude and taken his picture...there are plenty of them in the Vancouver area. I'm just saying. Anyway, I guess that was my only serious quibble with the episode.
I like the fact that Eleanor/Betsy came clean and helped them in the end. And I really liked the exchange she had with Dean, where she said "You must think I'm a monster" and he said, "No, I just think you married one." I think it actually shows a fundamental change in Dean's thinking that's actually more monster-friendly, because back in the day, he TOTALLY would have taken her to task for being a bystander while her guy was killing folks - but he actually seemed to understand and forgive her. Now, if her husband were alive, he'd still gank him, but he'd probably apologize. Now, is this Benny's influence or Cas'? Dean DID let a vampire loose on the world after giving him a hug...but, he also slaughtered his way through purgatory to find his angel.... so, hey, maybe both.
This brings us to the showdown with Randa. Crazy that she actually CALLED the other organs to her. But they foolishly thought they had Sammy out for the count. HA! Also...um, I don't know, but if I were Jensen and I were directing an episode, I would definitely be like "so, how about this sexy girl straddles me and runs her fingers over my chest? Yes? Yes. Good. No, run those fingers over my chest SLOWER...yeah, that's it." Hehehe. (I'm kidding of course, I'm sure it was all in the script and Jensen is a gentleman...I'm just saying that *I'm* not.)
And then we get the conversation in the car on the way out of town...with Dean negating Sam's feelings - "That's just how you feel right NOW"...um, right, but that doesn't make the feelings less true, Dean!
And we get a flashback to Sam's life with Amelia... I was actually thinking we'd get way more flashbacks in this episode. I liked the one we did get though. Firstly, I like the over saturated dreamlike quality of it - definitely Sam thinking back on it in an idealized way (like the first bit of 500 Days of Summer).
I also loved how it was HORRIBLY HEARTBREAKING.
1) Sam runs out of the woods yelling for Amelia and saying "this isn't funny." - Now, who wants to bet that Amelia "disappeared" while they were walking together or something and Sam FLIPPED, because um, yeah, maybe not good to disappear on a guy who had his only family and friend disappear into thin air the year before. :P
2) "Have you never seen a birthday cake before?" .... Um, probably not since Stanford. :(
3) I wonder what age Sam told her he was...
Oh yeah, that reminds me...Sam had been looking into universities! Aww... Sammy.
Also, I really need to timeline this season (so far I haven't), but if Sam had a birthday with Amelia, then that means Dean was actually gone for a year and some change, not just a year.
I would like to see some more Sam flashbacks...mainly because I'm a sucker for emotional pain and I'd love to see his grieving/recovery process after Dean's "death." I'd also really like to know what happened between Sam and Amelia - because Sam made it sound like they had broken up even before Dean came back...so, you know, why? TELL US MORE! Also, what happened to Cas? Also, when is Dean going to come off this adrenaline high? Because this cannot possibly be sustainable without a HUGE emotional crash at some point...
All in all though, a fine third outing for Jensen's directing skills. I think he did a good job, especially considering how much of Dean there was in the episode! It definitely looks like the writers aren't cutting him any acting slack anymore when he wants to direct. Poor Jensen. I don't think it affected his performance at all though - the boy has talent. :) I'm not a film student, but from what I saw there were some great shots and very nice...director stuff. (Like I said, I'm not a film student. :P )
I'm not spoilered for next episode, besides the preview, and I don't want to be...but I hope it's as good as this one. I'm definitely interested in the style it seems to be filmed in. :)