Timeline now includes S6

May 28, 2011 15:16

I have posted the Season 6 timeline!

I only really briefly went through the last three episodes, so if anyone has any quibbles about my statements on those, let me know! Actually, if anyone has any quibbles about anything let me know - I'm an imperfect being after all, so I may have missed something or made a false logical leap somewhere. This is the first year I haven't waited for the DVDs as well, so usually I have more time to painstakingly comb through the episode and take screen caps and whatnot - so, yeah, everything is subject to change, I guess.

The preseries timeline has a new date at the very beginning. S1-S5 timeline remains unchanged.

The Great Continuity Mistake of 2010/2011 - after my last poll about the continuity mistake the writers and art department had made regarding the year, a good many of you suggested I take a baseball-card approach to recording dates.

And I have - all dates are as they appear on show. Meaning, that if you want to be logical, you should ADD a year to all dates in the S6 timeline. Those dates marked with an * are from "the year that wasn't" - meaning they are events that occurred during the 2010/2011 year that Sam spent in the cage, as opposed to the second 2010/2011 year in which S6 took place.

My favourite explanation for this is by monicawoe , who suggested: “The brothers have messed up fate and destiny and now time itself. They've traveled to so many pasts that they have caused a paradox. This mixed with angel mojo (which reacts oddly when in such close proximity to Sam's demon blood) has caused time to fold in on itself.”)

That being said, I may still write that Doctor Who crack-crossover fic.... ;)


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