Oh look, a can of worms!

Jan 25, 2011 23:20

I've had debates on this journal before about misogyny in Supernatural (and horror in general), and I'm not really asking for another one...but I thought I would point out that Joey Comeau has a great blog-post up at his horror-movie review blog: into survival.

Is there a place for rape in horror? The Hills Have Eyes 2006

In it he contrasts the rape scene in The Hills Have Eyes remake (which he hated) to the rape scene in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (which he thought was well done). I think he makes some great points personally, though I'm biased because he seems to share my own opinions.

Anyway, I just thought I'd point anyone interested over to it. You don't have to agree, but it's food for thought. I'm also not saying that this excuses those scenes in Supernatural that some of my flist objected to - as Joey implies, whether it is handle correctly can sometimes be very subjective.

There are also interesting comments (including responses from Joey) in the comments section of the blog.

i don't have a tag for this, recs

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