Fic: Vile Violent Vacations 26/30 (SPN/HP) PG-13, Gen

Nov 17, 2010 10:26

Title: Vile Violent Vacations 26/30
Author: hells_half_acre 
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Supernatural
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Genre: Gen
Warnings: Spoilers for all Harry Potter books, spoilers for Supernatural until 5x10.
Disclaimer:  This is a transformative work of fiction for entertainment purposes only.
AN: Sequel to Damned Demented Demons and Bobby and Hermione - Read more... )

fic, season 5, demented'verse, crossover, harry potter

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Comments 46

la_mariane November 17 2010, 18:43:40 UTC
Thanks for the update! I love this fic.

Poor Sam, first the Cruciatus, then losing the pendant. And Castiel's idea was great, turning the lake water into holy water :)

Looking forward to the next update.


hells_half_acre November 18 2010, 00:46:40 UTC

Sam really did have a rough day. All my writing is so hard on him this week, I don't know why :P

Hopefully I can get the next update ready in time *bites fingernails nervously*


shadwrayvn November 17 2010, 18:59:24 UTC
*sniffling* My tortured him...*sobbing* My poor Sammy. But he stopped Teddy from hurting & I know you will make Sam better next week so I still love you right now. Excuse me while I got wash the tears off my face before my bf thinks I'm crazy than he already does!


hells_half_acre November 18 2010, 00:44:18 UTC
Don't worry, Sam has a lot of people there to look after him. He has had a pretty rough day though, the poor guy.

Thanks for reading! I hope I didn't make you appear too crazy in front of the BF :)


trystan830 November 17 2010, 19:05:18 UTC
oh wow!! awesome!

and in a slightly related note, my younger daughter just watched HP6 last night, in preparation to see HP7Pt1 (hopefully) next wednesday! =D


hells_half_acre November 18 2010, 00:42:25 UTC
Yay! Thanks!

I just watched HP6 last weekend - though I'm not going to be seeing HP7pt1 for a couple of weeks (I always wait until the crowds die out a little). I AM however, rereading the first half of the book in preparation.


trystan830 November 18 2010, 02:50:42 UTC

well, we're planning for an afternoon showing.... hopefully not as crazy of a crowd.... i hope.


franztastisch November 17 2010, 19:43:33 UTC
Oh God, Cas blessing the lake was genius. And poor Sammy! *hugs him* But I loved that Teddy, Nate and Iggy stayed and tried to help him out.

Loved it as usual!


hells_half_acre November 18 2010, 00:41:11 UTC
After being partially raised by Harry Potter, I don't think it even occurred to Teddy to leave Sam behind and run for it ;) ...and from what I understand, if you want loyal friends, you should look in Hufflepuff!

I'm glad you liked it! I loved the idea of Cas blessing an entire lake, and just had to put it in. :)

Thanks for reading!


marlowe78 November 17 2010, 20:32:28 UTC
Whew, I was actually pretty worried about poor Sam. And I didn't even think about the necklace anymore, sneaky you. It seems that Sam's not-anymore addiction will play a bigger part in this, right?

Loved this, the battle was awesome, and Teddy is such a cute kid.
Wonder if he'll have longer hair now, after Sam helped him so heroically.

I wanna add some suggestions: Maybe if you do something like this, with the time-switches, it would read much better and less... jumpy, if you include it in the story. If possible, I mean.

Maybe like, "Only 30 seconds before Dean did ..., Neville jumped..."?

Just a suggestion :D


hells_half_acre November 18 2010, 00:39:00 UTC
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll probably leave this chapter as is, but I'll keep it in mind if I have a similar time-jumping problem in the future. I do admit, I was at a little bit of a loss as to what the best way to go about it's hard when I wanted to tell the same story from multiple viewpoints, but I usually write in linear time...

I'm sure Teddy a tribute to Sam will worm its way into Teddy's style my mind Teddy already walks around with his hair pretty shaggy most of the time, but I guess I never really describe the length of it.


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