Quick Reaction: 6x08 All Dogs Go To Heaven

Nov 13, 2010 00:11

Hello! So, a nice evening out at my friend's place cheered me up...and Supernatural certainly didn't hurt. So let's talk about it!

How did we start things? Oh yeah, guy talking baby-talk about his dog...gets eaten by a dog. How nice. Oh, before that though, we had a Then that went all the way back to the Season 2. Werewolves really are rare in the Supernatural universe...we've had way more Vampires than Werewolves and Dean and Sam both thought Vampires were extinct in S1. It seems the world has just got worse since out show started.

Anyway, on with the show. Sam and Dean are eating at a roadside diner...only Dean's on the phone to Bobby demanding that he solve all their problems again. I guess Castiel isn't answering Dean's prayers at the moment. Then Crowley shows up!

This means either Crowley can track Sam because he's holding his soul hostage, or the boys have stopped carrying hex bags with them. Either way, Crowley can pop in whenever he chooses it seems. Crowley tells the boys about the dead guy and wants them to track down the Alpha Werewolf and then he'll give Sam his soul back...for just one alpha! Personally, after the fiasco with Bobby, I would like to see that agreement in writing.

Dean refuses, and Crowley lights Sam's hand on fire...you know, I burnt my hand when I was 9 years old, and I think I took it better than that...mind you, it didn't keep burning, so maybe that''s the difference. I like how Dean caves though, even though it's just Sam's body and not Sam...Dean still can't really stand to see Sam in pain. Also, Crowley has a point - he owns Sam, and like it or not, whoever owns Sam owns Dean. Which is why I highly doubt Crowley's going to honour the Alpha-Soul deal.

I loved Crowley's line about how soulless Sam would sell Dean out for a dollar if he really needed a soda. He's mostly right.

Ok, so, Dean agrees and they go to check it out...but Dean insists that they actually make sure the guy is a werewolf before they turn him over to be tortured by demons. The guy is a drunk and a shitty boyfriend, but he's not a werewolf.

Oh yeah, and somewhere in here Dean wakes up to find Sam already awake - remembering that Sam doesn't sleep and commenting that "that's not creepy at all"...and while I was wondering why it was that Dean just didn't turn over and talk to his brother, rather than giving him the coy over the shoulder look...my friend was noticing that on close-up shots, Dean's arm was held at an angle to his body, and on far away shots it was held outstretched....(the script supervisor must have fallen asleep).

Anyway, guy isn't a werewolf, but he does get eaten by dog...a dog who turns into a MAN! It's a MANDOG! DogMan?

The boys don't know this though, and they figure it must be the girl - so they go to interrogate her, and surprisingly actually talk to her BEFORE the cops! Geez, that's the first time that's ever happened. Sam wants to kill her, but Dean wants to make sure she's actually a werewolf, because he believes her and her kid when they say that she was home the whole night. Sam insists that he can stay and watch the house without killing anyone, and Dean isn't so sure...Sam says "Trust me!" and no one does.

Still, it's a measure of something that Dean actually does let him stay there and watch the house. He sees the dog change into a man...and chases him through the woods, and then the dog gets hit by a car. Awww....poor creepy puppy.

Turns out it's a Skinwalker! I have to say, I'm pretty excited that we're finally seeing a Skinwalker - they were mentioned way back in Wendigo...but this is the first time we're actually seeing what they're like. It's so long since Dean's come across one, that he goes to consult John's journal (something they've surpassed a while ago). Sam already got the low-down from Bobby though. Much like a werewolf, they're infected by a bite and killed by silver, but they can change at any point into a dogs.

So, they go to the pound and get him, tie him up in a chair, and then interrogate him. Sam is also a bit of an ass, but Dean actually sympathizes with the dude...and yeah, I mean, the comparison is pretty on the nose if you think about it: Supernatural-freak taken in by blackhaired woman and her darling kid, shows the guy more kindness than he's known his whole rotten life...sound familiar? He was only trying to protect them and it all blew up in his face.

He tells them that he's basically a sleeper cell, and man...but this plan is kind of brilliant. Lay low and then create a spontaneous massive army when the time is write. Why the heck are these creatures gearing up for war? That's really what I would like to know. It's not to go after Hunters, they don't seem to care about Hunters - are they all going to go after each other? Heaven and/or Hell? Is it connected to the Heavenly Civil War?

Anyway, Dean and Sam get into sniper position, and Sam starts telling Dean how if it were him he'd double-cross them. Sam, this is not reassuring...geez, and people tell me *I'm* too bluntly honest.

Sadly, the guy is blocked by other people the whole time he's outside the car, and Dean is unwilling to kill the extras. Sam is willing to kill everyone...and I mean, given that plan B is to kill everyone anyway, maybe Dean should have taken that shot? Maybe not.

Anyway, Plan B...and once again, we have Dean saying "There's a Plan B?" - seriously Dean, why do you only ever make one plan? That's not very good planning.

Sam marches right in and starts killing all the Skinwalkers. Lucky protects the family, but at the cost of revealing his true nature....Dean is a BAMF and snipers a bunch of people and then PULLS A HANDGUN WHILE HOLDING A SNIPER RIFLE and dude, the only thing sexier than a sniper rifle is a guy with MORE THAN ONE WEAPON. Haha....

So, everyone is dead, and they don't have an alpha. That was fun but sadly pointless.

More than that, true to the mirror that it is, the black-haired woman rejects the Supernatural-freak, since he put them in danger and is a creepy dog and a freak...so he trots off sadly...*hums* maybe tomorrow, he'll want to settle down. Until tomorrow, he'll just keep moving on...*hums*

Meanwhile, Sam and Dean are sitting around in a park. Sam decides to come clean - it's true, he's not really Sam. He's killed innocent people. He doesn't care about Lisa and Ben, and he doesn't even care about Dean. He needs Dean though, so he's been faking it, but obviously that's not working, so he'll just be honest now. Honest to the point that I kind of miss dishonest Sam, because then at least I could pretend he still loved Dean on some level.

Sam remembers his life before and remembers it being pretty horrible, and he doesn't know why he would want that really...but then there are some things...and it really makes me wonder what memories are like when they aren't laced with emotion. Sam can still find things funny, but he can't love or care about people or empathize...he can't feel true happiness or true misery...so what about certain memories make him think that maybe he's missing something?

So Dean says that yeah, he'll play ball for now...try to get Sam's soul back...because he wants his brother.

I've been excusing Dean's behaviour the past few episodes, because yes, he's been an ass - but he was just stripped of absolutely everything. He didn't have Sam, but he had Lisa and Ben, then he thought he had Sam back, but he didn't really...and thinking that he had Sam back made him lose Lisa and Ben. So now he doesn't have Sam OR Lisa and Ben...so yeah, I'd be a little pissy too.

I really do hope they get Sam's soul back soon though...I mean, maybe even in dribs and drabs? I really hope we don't have to wait until the Season Finale. As hot as BAMF killing machine Robo!Sam is, I miss the real Sam.

Now, on a completely different note: You know how we've never seen Crowley's eyes? Wouldn't it be cool if they were yellow?!?! Think about it...all the other demons are colour-coded by rank. You've got black-eyes, that can be killed by the knife....red eyes that are the crossroad demons...white eyes that can't be killed by the knife...and then you had Azazel the only yellow-eyed demon. Wouldn't it be neat if the reason Azazel had yellow eyes was because he was King of Hell? I think it'd be neat if that were the case, anyway. No matter what though, I'm interested to see what colour Crowley's eyes are when they do suddenly decide to reveal it.

So, there you have it...I guess I didn't say much this time around!  

season 6, quick reaction

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