[Night 13] Central Tower

Dec 29, 2009 00:10

[Striding in from here.]Eric had seemingly awoken from his shocked state faster than many of the other prisoners. The Central Tower was still mostly empty, with only a few prisoners milling around ( Read more... )

eric northman, tassadar, yuuri, sephiroth, armand, 11-12, cloud

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some0nes_hero December 31 2009, 21:48:36 UTC
[From Here]

Stepping out into the Central Tower, Cloud was surprised to see that he was the first one out that he knew. Actually, the entire area was quite devoid of the normal assortment of prisoners. Everyone was coming and going quickly, and he reached up to touch his collar, feeling the familiar burn of electricity against his skin.

That was right... something had triggered the collars at dinner time. He wondered what that was about, but it was just another injury to account for the many other burns he had. Still, why did he feel a little different?

Looking at his hand, he leaned against the wall next to the Traitor's Wing and then glanced towards the Killer's Wing. What was taking the ex-General so long anyway? Sephiroth almost felt... annoyed by something, but there were no signs of pain through their link that would indicate further injury. No, it almost seemed like Sephiroth was wanting... to cause injury.


clinically_nuts December 31 2009, 22:07:38 UTC
[Coming in from here]

Sephiroth stepped out into the tower area. A quick glance around the large room found the odd prisoner, and he hardly needed to use the link in order to locate Cloud waiting just outside the traitor's wing. Fortunately it appeared as though that Cetra had yet to arrive, and what annoyances he felt towards the stray following along behind him lessened.

Still, he noticed the lack of that foolish king, and felt his eyes narrow as he questioned Cloud, "Have plans changed?"


number1112 December 31 2009, 22:12:21 UTC
11-12 was following not far behind Sephiroth but he hesitated when he saw the man join another. He watched them from a short distance away.


some0nes_hero December 31 2009, 22:24:07 UTC
Pushing off of the wall when Sephiroth emerged from the Killer's Wing, he couldn't help but notice the young one that trailed behind the ex-General. He ignored it for now as he inspected the silver-haired man for new injuries before his eyes settled on Sephiroth's neck. "...where is your collar," he asked as he stared openly.

"And no, Yuuri should be along at any time," he murmured. He managed to rip his glowing eyes off of Sephiroth's throat to glance around the silver-haired man at the kid. "Who's the kid? You're new... friend?"


clinically_nuts December 31 2009, 22:29:15 UTC
The addition to his shadow temporarily caused the ex-General to forget about the state of his collarless self. Shrugging his shoulders, Sephiroth tossed the broad sword out towards Cloud as he murmured, "Back on my bunk."

He wasn't certain if he should be relieved or not that the plan had changed. At least he knew what he had to focus it on, and the fact that he had to put up with the growing number of interlopers didn't change either way, it really made no difference.

Glancing back over his shoulder towards the one in question, Sephiroth grunted dismissively before he muttered, "A parasite that desires death."


number1112 December 31 2009, 22:37:18 UTC
11-12 was close enough to hear them so he flinched when he heard Sephiroth's words but hesitantly walked forward anyway. Maybe he did have a bit of a death wish, after all.

"I'm 11-12," he said cautiously to Cloud. It may be noted he is wearing orange, despite his innocent appearance.


some0nes_hero December 31 2009, 23:02:15 UTC
Back on his bunk? Cloud stared at the ex-General, finding that statement extremely odd in how casual that it was. They had been searching ever since arriving here to get the collars off, and now it was 'on his bunk'. "How did you get it off?"

Raising an eyebrow at the ex-General's description, he looked over to the kid again and appraised the statement. The kid couldn't have been that young, but there was an air of innocence that caused him to question why such a boy was in the Killer's Wing. Of course, the name didn't help either.

His nose wrinkled in distaste. "11-12? Did your mum name you that? That's... cold," he murmured and rubbed the back of his head. "I'm Cloud, and this is Sephiroth," he murmured, gesturing to the tall silver-haired man. "Following him doesn't always mean death though, 11... man, that's sounds so cold."


clinically_nuts December 31 2009, 23:07:54 UTC
He'd had the method of unlocking his collar for the last few nights right there in his pocket, but he simply hadn't been in the right frame of mind or situation to consider what it was. Such a thing had been pointed out by those irritating fools, but now that he knew, it was something he wouldn't hesitate in doing.

"I've a key in my possession that allows for it to be removed, but I'd been unaware of what it did until now." Sephiroth murmured before he took a step to the side as Cloud's attention shifted over to the child.

He cared not for introductions or the name of his current shadow.


number1112 December 31 2009, 23:17:38 UTC
11-12 looked visibly more confused at Cloud. "Cold? Why? Yes, my parents named me that. It's normal in the Village. Everyone has numbers for names." He can't see anything wrong with it at all.

His hand went to his own collar at mention of them but he said nothing about it. He looked between the two of them, back and forth. He felt a bit intrusive but again he didn't want to move away, feeling a bit uneasy about simply wandering around.


some0nes_hero December 31 2009, 23:22:13 UTC
His eyes narrowed at the mention of having a key and only now knowing what it was about. He was actually quite annoyed that Sephiroth was being so casual about this entire ordeal, since this was a complete break-through. "So, why are you holding out on the rest of us, hmm?" One chance then pow!

Blinking, he'd never heard of a village calling people by numbers before, and he disliked the thought of it too. The Clones had been nothing but numbers, and while he hadn't attained a number himself, he knew very well what it must have been like. "...uh, that's kind of..." he trailed off and glanced at Sephiroth. "How about I call you Brian instead or... Brian11-12. Far warmer."


clinically_nuts December 31 2009, 23:30:33 UTC
He supposed that he should have been a little less casual about what he'd discovered, and while he had initially been rather pleased with the entire thing, he had simply found himself distracted by the young fool following him.

"Because, Cloud, this key apparently only unlocks those within my wing." Sephiroth said before turning his attention away completely. If the blonde didn't find himself irritated by not attempting to unlock his collar, Sephiroth hoped that Cloud wouldn't attempt to order the one command he simply would not obey.

Touching the tip of the Claymore to the ground, Sephiroth grunted dismissively as he turned his back to the pair and muttered to himself, "Brian, aye?" Well... he had never known the blonde to be terribly imaginative, and it seemed as though Cloud continued to prove this point with that example.


number1112 December 31 2009, 23:34:57 UTC
"But 11-12 is my name," he replied, getting defensive. He liked his name and he knew his parents loved him - it wasn't as if they'd called him that to be cold or nasty.

He wondered why he was even having such a conversation with everything else that appeared to be going on - but he guesed that's how nightmares worked.

"Anyway, don't you think it strange to be named after words? Clouds are meant to be in the sky..."

He turned his gaze to Sephiroth. "So you can take my collar off too?"

(ooc: Heh. Everywhere I go people want to change his name...)


some0nes_hero January 1 2010, 00:06:52 UTC
He stared at the kid for a moment before deciding to give up when it came to a name change. It still sounded pretty cold to him, but if the kid was going to get all bent out of shape about it then fine. It only seemed odd to him. Whatever, the kid could be called 'Asshole' for all he cared.

"Yeah well, there's a reason for that. Mum was staring at them when I was born, since I refused to wait until the doctor showed up. So, I'm Cloud," he said and then shrugged his shoulders. "11-12 is like a bank account number, but if that's the way you like it kid, that's what I'll call you."

Glancing at Sephiroth, he raised an eyebrow to see what the ex-General would do about the proposition to take 11-12's collar off. He already knew where it would lead, and he simply cleared his throat pointedly and stared at Sephiroth.


clinically_nuts January 1 2010, 00:13:11 UTC
The debate over naming origins did little to interest Sephiroth, but as Cloud spoke of the origins of his name, the ex-General had to wonder what that traitorous woman had thought throughout his birth. Undoubtedly nothing outside of the results from their experiments.

When the question was asked of him, he heard the pointed sound from Cloud as his gaze shifted over to regard the child. He knew that Cloud would want him to unlock it, but he held no desire to perform charity work. That was something he'd leave in the hands of the blonde and that Cetra of his.

"If I desired to do so," Sephiroth said but gave no indication on releasing the child from his explosive bond.


number1112 January 1 2010, 00:28:29 UTC
11-12 fingered the collar. He din't care much either way. It still felt he was in some sort of trap, collar or not.

"Is there any way out of here?" He questioned, wondering if they had some plan for further escape.


some0nes_hero January 1 2010, 00:43:51 UTC
Cloud sighed when it seemed that Sephiroth was going to be difficult about the whole idea of removing another's collar. He grumbled and rubbed the back of his head, not certain what to do now. It wouldn't come easily. "Sephiroth, why don't you take the kid's collar off? It's not helping anyone having it on." Really, he wanted to see this key in action.

He shrugged his shoulders and went back to leaning on the wall. "Supposedly, but no one knows how yet. We think it might be beyond the walls, but no one that we know has been over it. The collars will blow our heads off," he said with a heavy sigh. "You coming with us tonight, 11-12?" It still seemed like a damned bank account number.


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