[Day 13] Traitor's Wing Showers

Dec 07, 2009 10:26

There was no doubt within his mind that the ones the Warden had spoken about was Cloud and Sephiroth. He'd only caught a quick glance of them the previous night, but even after his healing attempt it seemed as though it hadn't been enough.

Yuuri was up and out of his cell at the first opportunity he could. Stopping out front of Cloud's cell, his panicked state couldn't find any sight of the blonde, and Yuuri hoped that his friend was alright. He couldn't handle losing another one, and despite what everyone else thought, Yuuri still held hope that Wolfram would be found waiting for him in the shower.

Shaking his head, the young Maou took off down the hallway. He dodged inbetween the other prisoners as he went downstairs and instantly began stripping himself. The sounds of the shower and chatter within could be heard, and without any hesitation, Yuuri walked quickly into the area to search for his friends.

[Searching for Cloud]

aerith gainsborough, eric northman, tassadar, yuuri, armand, 11-12

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